Postponed to a future date
Anongoohns Kendaasiwin - Revitalizing the Art and Science of Star Knowledge
Over the past 3 years, through the work of our provincial Indigenous Knowledge and Mathematics Community of Practice, we have developed relationships and partnerships with various local, national and international educators who are working towards a common goal: revitalizing our Indigenous Knowledge systems which in turn will help to advance all of society in the fields of Mathematics and other Sciences. We work from the understanding that Indigenous knowledge systems and Western science reflect, resonate with, and reinforce one another, affirming each other as valid, valuable, and vital. Equally important in this endeavour is the ability to empower our youth to embrace their significance and value as strong, intelligent and vibrant contributing members to society. The ongoing impacts of colonization has led to the destruction and fragmentation of our own Indigenous education institutions, methodologies, pedagogies and epistemologies. In Ontario, this type of Indigenous Knowledge is only held by a few people. Due to this fact, it is essential that we are given opportunities to bring together those who hold pieces of our collective knowledges together.