March 10, 2025

Scientific Activities Archive
since July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009

National Institute on Complex Data Structures
(Français Accueil)

Thematic Programs

General Scientific Activities

2008-09 Seminar Series
Seminars in the Fields
Commercial Industrial Mathematics Program

Scientific Lectures 2008-09
(Open to the public

Bimonthly Workshops
Canadian Noncommutative Geometry Workshop

Canada-wide Math Performance Festival for grades 4-6 students and teachers.
Supported by the Fields Institute


June 22 - July 3, 2009.
Seminars on Automorphic Forms and L-functions:Computational Aspects
CRM, Montreal

Conference: June 28 - July 3, 2009
Summer School and Conference in Geometric Representation Theory and Extended Affine Lie Algebras
University of Ottawa

June 27-29, 2009
Conference in Number Theory
Carleton University

June 25, 2009
Fields Annual General Meeting
Fields Institute

June 22-26, 2009
OCCAM-Fields-MITACS Workshop
University of Toronto

Summer School: June 15-27, 2009
Conference: June 28 - July 3, 2009
Summer School and Conference in Geometric Representation Theory and Extended Affine Lie Algebras
University of Ottawa

June 5-9, 2009
CMESG Annual Meeting and Pre-Conference Sessions
York University

June 1-5, 2009
Workshop on Cocliques and Colourings
University of Waterloo

June 1-3, 2009
Ninth International Symposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning,
Commonsense 2009 Symposium

Fields Institute

May 29-30, 2009
Appalachian Set Theory Workshop
Fields Institute

May 27- 28, 2009 -- 3:30 p.m.
Distinguished Lecture Series in Statistical Science
David Spiegelhalter, Winton Professor of the Public Understanding of Risk,
Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge
Fields Institute

May 27-28, 2009
A Symposium and Workshop in Honour of James C. Fu
University of Manitoba

May 27-31, 2009
Workshop on Geometry Related to the Langlands Programme
University of Ottawa

May 25- 27, 2009
Distinguished Lecture Series

Jean-Christophe Yoccoz,
Collège de France

May 25 - 28, 2009
2nd Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Conference (CanaDAM)
Carleton University
held at Centre Research Mathematique, Montréal, Quebec

May 22-23, 2009
Discrete Mathematics Days 2009
University of Ottawa

May 21-23, 2009
WaterMellon Workshop on Extremal Graph Theory
University of Waterloo

May 11-21, 2009
Summer School in Applied Probability
Carleton University

May 11-15, 2009
Fields Cryptography Retrospective Meeting
Fields Institute

May 11-13, 2009
The 4th Workshop on Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication, and Cryptography (TQC 2009)
Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo

May 8-10, 2009
Workshop on Connections in Geometry and physics
Perimeter Institute

May 4-8, 2009
Workshop on Discrete and Computational Geometry
Carleton University (Econiche Conference Center, Gatineau)

May 5, 2009
Graduate Student Research Day
Fields Institute

May 3-5, 2009
International Conference on Nonparametric Methods for Measurement Error Models and Related Topics
Carleton University

May 1-3, 2009
Workshop on Smooth Structures in Logic, Category Theory and Physics
University of Ottawa

April 30- May 3, 2009
CEMC Think about Math! Conference
University of Waterloo

April 30-May 3
Canadian Mathematics Education Forum (CMEF 2009)
Simon Fraser University

April 29-May 1, 2009
Third Annual Meeting of the Prairie Network for Research in Mathematical Sciences and Student Workshop
University of Saskatchewan

April 24-26, 2009
Workshop on the Philosophy of Quantum Field Theory
University of Western Ontario

April 23-24, 2009
Workshop on Fire Spotting
Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto

April 20-22, 2009
Fields Waterloo Workshop on Computational Methods for Hyperbolic Problems
University of Waterloo.

April 3, 2009
Fields Institute

March 31, 2009
Keyfitz Lectures in Mathematics and the Social Sciences
Maya Bar-Hillel Center for the Study of Rationality, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
The Bible Code: Riddle and Solution

March 19, 2009-- 5:30 p.m.
Fields-Carleton Distinguished Lecture Series
Speaker: Dr. V.Kumar Murty, University of Toronto
The mathematics of information technology: the road ahead
Carleton University

March 16, 2009
Symposium Celebrating New Fellows of the Royal Society of Canada
Fields Institute

March 7-8, 2009
Workshop on Algebraic Varieties
Fields Institute

March 1, 2009 -- 3:00 p.m.
Royal Canadian Institute Sunday Lectures
Florin Diacu, University of Victoria
Macleod Auditorium, Medical Sciences Building, 1 King's College Circle
Co-sponsored by the Fields Institute


December 4-5, 2008.
4th Workshop Connecting Women in Mathematics Across Canada (CWiMAC 2008).
Organized by the CMS Committee for Women in Mathematics,
Supported by Fields

November 29, 2008.
Discrete Geometry Meeting

November 25, 2008
Clay Mathematics Institute Public Lecture
Henri Gillet, Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science, University of Illinois at Chicago
Supported by the Clay Mathematics Institute and the Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto

November 9 - 10, 2008
IFID/MITACS Conference on Financial Engineering for Actuarial Mathematics
Fields Institute

November 9, 2008 -- 3:00 p.m.
Royal Canadian Institute Sunday Lectures
Margaret Wright, Department of Computer Science, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Coping With Impossible Problems
Macleod Auditorium, Medical Sciences Building, 1 King's College Circle
Co-sponsored by the Fields Institute
(web cast of talk)

November 2- 7, 2008
Workshop on Women in Numbers (WIN)
Banff International Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery,
Banff, Alberta

November 1-2, 2008
Workshop on Algebraic Varieties
Fields Institute

October 31, 2008- 3:30 p.m.
Centre for Mathematical Medicine Seminar Series
Stuart Kauffman, Institute for Biocomplexity and Informatics, University of Calgary
Are Cells Dynamically Critical?

October 24-26, 2008
2nd Annual Pure and Applied Mathematics Graduate Student Conference
McMaster University

September 25-27, 2008
Quantum Critical Phenomena Statics and Dynamics Meeting
Hosted by Fields

Sept. 24-28, 2008
International Conference on Infinite Dimensional Dynamical Systems
York University, Toronto

September 12-21, 2008
Ottawa-Carleton Algebra Week
Carleton and Ottawa Universities

September 18-20, 2008
Conference on Non-linear Phenomena in Mathematical Physics:
Dedicated to Cathleen Synge Morawetz on her 85th birthday

September 3-6, 2008
1st Canadian Hopf algebra conference: on the role of Hopf algebras in Noncommutative Geometry
Wu Conference Center, University of New Brunswick

September 3, 2008
Biomathematics & Biostatistics (BioM&S) Symposium 2008
University of Guelph

August 28-30, 2008
The 10-th Annual Conference for Canadian Queueing Theorists and Practitioners(CANQUEUE)
Carleton University

August 20, 2008
Nancy Lynch Celebration: Sixty and Beyond
University of Toronto

August 20-22, 2008
Workshop on Nonlinear Wave Dynamics
Carleton University

August 19-22, 2008
Conference in Honour of Peter Orlik
Fields Institute

August 19-22, 2008
Joint Meeting
19th International Conference on Concurrency Theory
27th Annual ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symposium on the Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC 2008)

York University

August 18-20, 2008
8th Annual MOPTA Conference Modeling and Optimization: Theory and Applications
University of Guelph

August 18, 2008
Workshop on Approximate Behavioral Equivalences
University of Toronto

August 11-15, 2008
Fields-MITACS Industrial Problem-Solving Workshop (FMIPW)
Fields Institute

August 6-8, 2008
Coxeter Lecture Series
Speaker: Martin Nowak, Program for Evolutionary Dynamics, Harvard University

August 4-7, 2008
SIAM Conference on the Life Sciences
Public Lecture by Stuart Kauffman
Supported by Fields

August 4-6, 2008
Conference of High Performance Work Stations
University of Toronto

July 30-August 2, 2008
Society for Mathematical Biology (SMB) Conference
Hosted by the Centre for Mathematical Medicine at the Fields Institute

July 28-Aug. 1, 2008
Conference of Operational Research Applied to Health Services (ORAHS)
University of Toronto

July 13-18, 2008
Canadian Number Theory Association X Meeting (CNTA X)
University of Waterloo

July 9-12, 2008
Canadian Undergraduate Mathematics Conference
University of Toronto

June 30-July 11, 2008
Summer School in Analytic Number Theory and Diophantine Approximation
University of Ottawa

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