PRMIA Risk Management Seminars 2008-09
Launched in Spring 2004 the PRMIA Risk Management seminar presents
talks on issues of current interest to both professionals and academics
in the fields of risk mananagement. PRMIA
is an international association of professional risk managers. The
seminar series is co-sponsered by the Toronto
chapter of PRMIA and by the Fields Insitute. Talks cover a broad
range of topics, not necessarily restricted to research in mathematical
finance, the topic of the longstanding and complementary Quantitative
Finance seminar series.
Please subscribe to the Fields mail list
to be informed of upcoming seminars.
Wednesday, June 24th, 2009
4:30 to 6:00 PM |
Assessing Hedge
Fund Risks: A View from the Trenches
Moderator: Christopher Holt, AllAboutAlpha.com / CAIA
Featured Panelists: Mark Hannoush, Ontario Teachers
Pension Plan
Christopher Addy, Castle Hall Alternatives
While hedge funds can provide significant benefits to a portfolio,
they also present a unique set of risks. These range
from financial risks, such as market, liquidity and credit
risks to operational risks, such as those relating to people
organization, processes and systems as well as third-party
involvement. Our expert panelists have been in the hedge
fund trenches, and will share their experience and insights.
Please RSVP by Friday, June 19th, 2009
at http://www.aima-canada.org or to Lynda Briant at (416)
453-0111 or briant@aima-canada.org
May 26, 2009
12 noon
required |
Speaker: Ahmet Kocagil, Managing
Director,Fitch Solutions Audio
and Slides of the talk
Assessing Liquidity in CDS Markets
Held inconjunction with the MMF UofT program and PRMIA "Assessing
Liquidity in CDS Markets"
Limited seats available register through PRMIA http://www.prmia.org/events/view_events.php?eventID=3428
The current financial crisis has caused dramatic and widespread
reductions the issuance of credit instruments in general and
structured credit specifically. Though reports in the press
have declared this illiquidity to be universal, we find indeed
that liquidity in the Credit Default Swap (CDS) market has
increased. We built a statistical model that associates an
(ordinal) score with each CDS reference entity. This provides
a comparison of relative liquidity of over 2,000 reference
entities in the CDS market globally; though concentrated in
North America, Europe, and Asia. Specifically, each name's
liquidity score is obtained by applying a logistic regression
which combines both well-known indicators of market liquidity
(e.g., bid-ask) as well as less accessible, but data-driven,
predictors of market liquidity (e.g., dispersion in midquotes
across contributors, and staleness of quotes). Additionally,
the model generates a market liquidity index. This provides
a benchmark across time against which to compare individual
entities, sectors, or regions. This study reports extensive
validation tests including the Power of the model (accuracy
ratio), and dynamics of well-known corporates and sovereigns
analysed in some depth (an entity's score is compared against
the unfolding financial and/or politico-economic events of
2007-08). The model provides interesting insights and tools
for understanding questions such as the credit vs. liquidity
relationship, the evolution of market liquidity over time,
as well as the relative liquidity of different sectors.
May 21, 2009
12 noon
Gene Guill, Managing Director,
Loan Exposure Management Group, Deutsche Bank
Audio and Slides of the talk
Bankers Trust
and the Birth of Modern Risk Management
Held in conjunction with the MMF UofT program and PRMIA "Bankers
Trust and the Birth of Modern Risk Management"
Limited seats available register through PRMIA http://www.prmia.org/events/view_events.php?eventID=3427
The techniques and applications of modern risk management
first emerged as a business discipline at Bankers Trust in
the 1970s. A key element of this discipline was the explicit
recognition of risk in understanding the true economics of
the market. In the years that followed, Bankers Trust pioneered
the development of objective, analytical tools that enabled
it to adapt to the market and learn from the market. These
capabilities were embodied in a strategy of risk and capital
management that guided business decisions at all levels of
the firm and transformed the institution from a struggling
full-service bank into a highly successful merchant bank -
more profitable than any of its rivals.
In spite of the wide-spread adoption of risk management practices
over the past 30 years, the current financial crisis and the
cumulative build-up of risk that preceded this crisis have
raised fundamental questions about the adequacy and effectiveness
of risk management. This seminar will review the development
of risk management techniques, highlight the role of risk
management in guiding the strategy of a firm, and identify
those issues that must be addressed to promote greater stability
in financial markets.
May 7, 2009
5:30 p.m. |
Risk Management in Era of Global Turmoil
Speaker: Marcus Cree
followed by a panel discussion
To register: http://www.prmia.org/events/view_events.php?eventID=3406
May 12, 2009
5:30 p.m. |
Christopher C. Finger, RiskMetrics Group
Modeling issues for capturing traded credit risk
The proposed Incremental Risk Charge (IRC) is intended to
capture default and migration risks in banks trading
portfolios. While the regulation is not definitive and disagreements
still linger, it is clear what the structure of the IRC will
be, and most crucially, it is clear that this will be a charge
based on internal risk models subject to regulatory
standards with apparently no option to fall back on
a simple regulatory formula. Affected banks are consequently
moving ahead with model development. In this talk, we will
discuss three modeling problems that arise in IRC implementation,
and that are relevant not just in a banking regulatory context,
but to any tradable credit portfolio: forecasting short horizon
default probabilities, embedding a discrete credit model into
a continuous (or multi-step) process, and estimating liquidation
horizons for affected securities.
PRMIA would like to thank RiskMetrics
for sponsoring this event
This talk has been cancelled:
April 13, 2009 - 5:30 p.m.
David Koenig, CEO Ductibility LLC, and former executive
director, PRMIA
Does good governance lead to excess returns? |
February 18, 2009 - 5:30 p.m. |
Phil Wright, CanDeal.Audio
and Slides of the talk
Electronic Trading: OTC Risk Management Crossroads
Over-the-counter financial markets are an inherent source
of risk; presenting unique challenges to risk officers. The
introduction of electronic trading into OTC markets is a milestone
event, providing risk managers with new suites of tools to
heighten business practices. Online trading introduces the
unprecedented opportunity to crystallize each transaction
at the point of execution, in real-time; introducing new levels
of transparency into an opaque environment. Risk analysis
and oversight no longer need to be backward-looking and data
captured can provide subscribers with unique and valuable
information that is not available from other sources.
Phil Wright will discuss the adoption of electronic trading
by debt capital markets globally and the impact this in having
across corporate offices.
Philip Wright, CFA is Managing Director for CanDeal (www.candeal.ca)
and vice-chair of the TCFAS Fixed Income Committee. Phil has
been an active participant in global bond markets since 1980;
having held senior trading and product management responsibilities
with domestic and international dealers in Toronto and New
York. Since 1998, Phil has pioneered electronic trading in
the Canadian debt markets. Phil brings a unique perspective
and practical experience in working with the complex relationships
between online trading, governance and OTC market operations.
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