March 10, 2025

Specialized Workshops

August 1 - August 10, 2002

All talks will be held at the Koffler Institute for Pharmacy Mgmt Bldg (KP)
569 Spadina Avenue, north-east side of Spadina Crescent

Speakers and titles

(i) Commutative Algebra, Algebraic Geometry and Representation Theory
Organized by R.-O. Buchweitz, W. Crawley-Boevey, Y. Drozd

(ii) Finite Dimensional Algebras, Algebraic Groups and Lie Theory
Organized by E. Neher, L.L. Scott

(iii) Quantum Groups and Hall Algebras
Organized by S. Berman, C.M. Ringel,

Commutative Algebra, Algebraic Geometry and Representation Theory

YURI BEREST, Cornell University
  1.Cherednik algebras and differential operators on quasi-invariants
  2. Ideals of the Weyl algebra
IGOR BURBAN, Universitaet Kaiserslautern
  Derived categories of coherent aheaves on degenerations of elliptic curves
YURIY DROZD, University of Kiev
  Vector bundles and Cohen-Macaulay modules
MIKHAIL KHOVANOV, University of California, Davis
  How and why semisimple representations become Grothendieck groups
JAN SCHROER, University of Leeds
  Irreducible components of varieties of modules


Finite Dimensional Algebras, Algebraic Groups and Lie Theory

  Tilting modules for algebraic and quantum groups
SUSUMU ARIKI, Kyoto University
  A tame/wild problem for Hecke algebras of type B
STEPHEN BERMAN, University of Saskatchewan
  Covering algebras of Kac-Moody algebras and extended affine Lie algebras
JIE DU, University of New South Wales
  1.Stratified algebras and representations of finite groups of Lie type
  2. Ringel-Hall algebras and the geometric setting ofquantum GL_n
MATTHEW DYER, University of Notre Dame
  Shellability and heighest weight representations
KARIN ERDMANN, University of Oxford

Tilting modules for Schur algebras
YUN GAO, York University
  A primer to extended affine Lie algebras
(1.Extended affine Lie algebras: classification 2. Extended affine Lie algebras: representation)
J.E. HUMPHREYS, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
  Cells in affine Weyl groups and reduced enveloping algebras
ALEXANDER S. KLESHCHEV, University of Oregon
  Cartan determinants and Shapovalov forms
ZONGZHU LIN, Kansas State University
  Stratified algebras arising in Lie theory
BRIAN PARSHALL, University of Virginia
ARTURO PIANZOLA, University of Alberta
  Torsors and infinite dimensional Lie algebras
  Character formulas of Kazhdan-Lusztig type
PETER J. WEBB, University of Minnesota
  Lie theory in the context of finite groups

Quantum Groups and Hall Algebras

GEORGIA BENKART, University of Wisconsin, Madison
  Two-parameter quantum groups - they are doubly good
VYJAYANTHI CHARI, University of California, Riverside
  Weyl modules and the fusion product for representations of affine Lie algebras
BANGMING DENG, Beijing Normal University
  Hall algebra and their relations to quantized enveloping algebras
SEOK-JIN KANG, Korea Institute for Advanced Study
  Quantum affine algebras and combinatorics of Young walls
ZONGZHU LIN, Kansas State University

Hall algebra and their relations to quantized enveloping algebras
KONSTANZE RIETSCH, University of Oxford
  Introduction to perverse sheaves
YOSHIHISA SAITO, University of Tokyo
  Introduction to perverse sheaves and canonical bases
  1.Hall algebra of the cyclic quiver
  2. Elliptic algebras and weighted projective lines
JIE XIAO, Tsinghua University
  Hall algebra and their relations to quantized enveloping algebras