March 10, 2025

International Conference on
Representations of Algebras
and Related Topics (ICRA X)
July 15 - August 10, 2002

Registration will be at
The Fields Institute, 222 College Street, 2nd Floor

All talks will be held at the Koffler Institute for Pharmacy Mgmt Bldg (KP)
569 Spadina Avenue, north-east side of Spadina Crescent

The rapid development of the theory of representations of finite dimensional associative algebras and related topics during the past three decades shows no sign of abating and the dispersion of research centres all over the world requires regular meetings in this field.

The purpose of these meetings is not only to exchange the latest result in a rapidly developing area, but from the outset it has been a major focus to bring together leading and well established experts with young researchers who are just starting out and profit greatly from the possibilities of exchange and contact provided and from workshops where recent advances are presented in detailed exposition.

At the last International Conference on Representations of Algebras (ICRA IX) in Beijing, the Scientific Advisory Committee agreed to hold the next Conference (ICRA X) at the Fields Institute in Toronto. The local Organizing Committee consists of:

S. Berman (U. of Saskatchewan )
Y. Billig (Carleton U.)
R.-O. Buchweitz (U. of Toronto)
V. Dlab (Carleton U.)
S. Liu (U. of Sherbrooke)
E. Neher (U. of Ottawa)


July 15 - July 20, 2002
Instructional Workshop

Titles of the Instructional Workshop lecture series are as follows :

  • K. S. Brown, Cornell University
    Semigroup and Ring Theoretical Methods in Probability
  • T. Bruestle, University of Bielefeld
    Typical Examples of Tame Algebras
  • W. Crawley-Boevey, University of Leeds
    Weighted Projective Lines and Applications
  • H. Derksen, University of Michigan
    Invariant Theory for Quivers
  • O. Iyama, Himeji Institute of Technology
    Finiteness of representation dimension and Solomon's zeta function
  • A. S. Kleshchev, University of Oregon
    Representations of Symmetric Groups and Affine Hecke Algebras
  • S. Koenig, University of Leicester
    Filtrations, Stratifications, and Applications
  • M. S. Putcha, North Carolina State University and L. Renner, University of Western Ontario
    Representations and Hecke-Iwahori Algebras of Reductive Monoids

Registration Fee: $ 100-CDN (includes light refreshments)
July 22 - July 31, 2002
The 10th International Conference on Representations of Algebras and Related Topics (ICRA X)
Registration Fee: $200-CDN (includes light refreshments and an excursion)
August 1 - August 10, 2002

Specialized Workshops.

(i) Commutative Algebra, Algebraic Geometry and Representation Theory
Organized by R.-O. Buchweitz, W. Crawley-Boevey, Y. Drozd

(ii) Finite Dimensional Algebras, Algebraic Groups and Lie Theory
Organized by E. Neher, L.L. Scott

(iii) Quantum Groups and Hall Algebras
Organized by S. Berman, C.M. Ringel,

Registration fee: $150-CND (includes light refreshments)

Registration fee for all three components of the Meeting (July 15 - August 10) :$350-CND.
Deadline for payments for all components: JULY 5, 2002

Please register for ICRAX on site at the Fields Institute , 222 College Street, Toronto
Deadline for early payments for all components: JULY 5, 2002

The scientific programme will be decided by the Scientific Advisory Committee consisting of :

    R. Bautista (U.N.A.M., Morelia, Mexico)
    S. Brenner (U. of Liverpool, England)
    R.-O. Buchweitz (U. of Toronto, Canada)
    M. C. R. Butler (U. of Liverpool, England)
    W. Crawley-Boevey (U. of Leeds, England)
    V. Dlab (Carleton U., Ottawa, Canada)
    Y. Drozd (U. of Kyiv, Ukraine)
    E. Green (V.P.I., Blacksburg, U.S.A.)
    D. Happel (U. of Chemnitz, Germany)
    M. Kapranov (U. of Toronto, Canada)
    B. Keller (U. of Paris 7, France)
    H. Lenzing (U. of Paderborn, Germany)
    Shaoxue Liu (Beijing Normal U., China)
    M.-P. Malliavin (U. of Paris 6, France)
    H. Merklen (U. of São Paulo, Brazil)
    J. A. de la Peña (U.N.A.M., Mexico)
    I. Reiten (U. of Trondheim, Norway)
    C. M. Ringel (U. of Bielefeld, Germany)
    A. Roiter (National Academy of Sciences, Kyiv,Ukraine)
    L. L. Scott (U. of Virginia, U.S.A.)
    S. O. Smalø (U. of Trondheim, Norway)
    A. Skowronski (U. of Torun, Poland)
    H. Tachikawa (Tsukuba U., Japan)

Should you wish to propose speakers and/or topics for either component of this programme, please send email to

Please see the Fields Institute housing resource page for listings of hotels, bed and breakfasts and on-campus residences. University residences are available over the summer months on the Campus at a rate of $40-50 CDN. Hotels in walking distance from Fields charge typically between $95-$150 CDN per night. Participants are advised to book accommodations early due to the large number of activities in the summer.


A block of rooms for participants have been
arranged at Holiday Inn
370 King St. W.
Toronto, ON
M5V 1J9
Request the Fields Institute rate (group code # VUF30) when booking. Rooms must be reserved before June 7, 2002 to receive the Fields rate.

Ramada Hotel & Suites
300 Jarvis Street.
Toronto, ON
M5B 2C5
Tel: 1-800-272-6232

New College Summer Accommodation

  A block of rooms for participants staying during the Specialized Workshop have been arranged at
St. Michael's College
from August 1 - 10, 2002:
81 St. Mary Street
(416) 926-7296
Rooms must be reserved before June 30, 2002
To request for earlier dates, please call and book soon!!
Rooms are available at Massey College:
4 Devonshire Place
( 416) 978-2892
Fax: 416-978-1759

Rooms are also available at University College:
(416) 978-2532

Call for abstracts: (ABSTRACTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER JUNE 15, 2002)
The program of ICRA X will consist of two types of lectures: 50-60 minute invited addresses and 25-30 minute contributed talks (which may be scheduled in parallel sessions). Although some of the invited speakers may have been contacted already ahead of the meeting, the final schedule of the Conference will be decided during the Instructional Workshop on basis of the submitted abstracts. One-page abstracts, related to the topics of the Conference, are to be submitted by June 15, 2002. They should include: names(s) and affiliation(s) of author(s), as well as the address, e-mail address, phone and fax numbers of the contact person. In addition, each abstract should indicate a preferred length of time for presentation. Authors are kindly requested to submit their abstracts via the registration page in plain LaTeX (or plain AMS Tex). Shortly after submission, every abstract will be made available at the web site. A printed version of the abstracts will be included in a booklet as part of the materials for the registered participants. All participants are encouraged to send their comments on the abstracts, and in particular to indicate those that, in their opinion, would merit a 50-60 minute presentation.

Please bookmark this page as it will be updated frequently.

Information updated May 2002
Ragnar-Olaf Buchweitz and Vlastimil Dlab, for the Organizing Committee