March  9, 2025

Scientific Activities July 1999 - June 2000


August 1999 - May 2000
Special Year on Graph Theory and Combinatorial Optimization

Structured Families of Graphs
Probabilistic Graph Theory
Graph Minors and Topological Graph Theory,
Matroids, Matching and Extensions
Polyhedral and Semidefinite Programming Methods
Approximation Algorithms for Hard Problems in Combinatorial Optimization

September - November, 1999
Mini-Program on Causal Interpretation and Identification of
Conditional Independence Structures

Seminar 1: Causal Interpretation of Graphical Models
Seminar 2: Relating Causal Structure to Conditional Independence Structure
Seminar 3: Learning Causal Models
Seminar 4: Conditional Independence Structures and Graphical Models
Seminar 5: Algebraic Methods in Graphical Markov Models


June 7-9, 2000
World Mathematical Year 2000: The Legacy of John Charles Fields Symposium

June 4-8, 2000
28th Canadian Symposium on Operator Algebras

April 28-29, 2000
Workshop in Honour of Stephen Cook

April 13, 2000
The 5th Centre for Applied Cryptographic Research (CACR) Information Security Workshop

March 25-26, 2000
The Sixth Great Lakes K-Theory Conference

March 17, 2000
The 2000 Nerenberg Lecture - a Fields sponsored event

March 17-19, 2000
Quantum Physics Centennial Symposium - a Fields sponsored event

February 1-4, 2000
Data Analysis for Commercial and Industrial Applications

December 2-5, 1999
Workshop on the Future of Mathematical Communication, 1999
(held at Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley, California)
Co-sponsored by The Fields Institute

November 27, 1999
Ontario Algebraic Combinatorics Workshop IV

August 23-28, 1999
First Canada-China 3x3 Math Congress (held at Tsinghua University)
Co-sponsored by The Fields Institute

Statistics Lecture Series 1999-2000

Coxeter lecture Series

January 17-19, 2000
Paul Seymour, Princeton University
Graph Minors

November 1-3, 1999
László Lovász, Yale University and Microsoft Research
Geometric Representations of Graphs

CRM/Fields Prize Lecture

Stephen A. Cook, University of Toronto
- recipient September 30, 1999

Israel Michael Sigal
- recipient 2000