March 10, 2025


July-December 2014
Thematic Program on
Variational Problems in Physics, Economics and Geometry

Organizing Committee

Wilfrid Gangbo (Georgia Tech)
Young-Heon Kim (UBC)
Robert J McCann (Toronto)
Scientific Committee
Luigi Ambrosio (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa)
Yann Brenier (CNRS, Nice)
Pierre-Andre Chiappori (Columbia)
Panagiota Daskalopoulos (Columbia)
Lawrence C Evans (UCBerkeley)
Felix Otto (MPI, Leipzig)
Neil S Trudinger (Australian National)


Program activities

Fall Semester Members and Postdoctoral Seminars


Conferences and Preconference Minischools:
The workshops include one afternoon of short contributed talks, including some by junior participants.

September 11-12
Minischool on Variational Problems in Economics

Speakers:Pierre-Andre Chiappori (Columbia), Alfred Galichon (Ecole Polytechnique), Robert McCann (Toronto), Xianwen Shi (Toronto)
September 15-19,
Conference on Optimization, Transportation and Equilibrium in Economics

Organized by Pierre-Andre Chiappori (Columbia), Alfred Galichon (Ecole Polytechnique), Robert McCann (Toronto), Xianwen Shi (Toronto).

October 2-3
Minischool on Variational Problems in Physics

October 6-10
Conference on Nonlinearity, Transport, Physics, and Patterns

Organized by Luigi Ambrosio (Pisa), Bob Jerrard (Toronto), Felix Otto (Leipzig), Mary Pugh (Toronto), Robert Seiringer (Montreal).

November 6-7
Minischool on Variational Problems in Geometry

November 10-14,
Conference on Calculus of Variations: Geometry, Inequalities, and Design

Organized by Almut Burchard (Toronto), Panagiota Daskalopoulos (New York), Young-Heon Kim (Vancouver), Ludovic Rifford (Nice), and Neil Trudinger (Canberra).

Coxeter and Distinguished Lecture Series
Distinguished Lectures, September 8-10, 2014 at 3:30 pm
SIMON BRENDLE, Stanford University

September 8
Ricci Flow and the Sphere Theorem
September 9
Minimal tori in $S^3$ and the Lawson Conjecture
September 10
New Estimates for Mean Curvature Flow

Photo: Oberwolfach Photo Collection
Coxeter Lectures, September 29, 30 and October 1, 2014 at 3:30 p.m
SYLVIA SERFATY, Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 6
Systems with Coulomb interaction: from variational study to statistical mechanics

Graduate courses

Nassif Ghoussoub (University of British Columbia) Dean's Distinguished Visitor
MAT1501HF Applied Analysis I: Self-dual variational calculus in PDE and mass transport (full course description)
Location: Fields Institute, Stewart Library (map)

MAT1901 F Variational Problems in Physics Economics and Geometry
Offered in conjunction with the Fields' Institute Fall 2014 thematic semester of the same title, this unique graduate course will consist of a series of twelve 3 hour minicourses by distinguished local and visiting faculty on topics from the calculus of variations.
Location: Fields Institute (map)

Affilated Activities

Sept 11, 2014 at 5:00 p.m
- Robert Aliber, University of Chicago
The Source of Financial Crisis

Fields Institute, Room 230

Nov. 17-20, 2014
Fields Medal Symposium will be taking place during the semester.

Postdoctoral Fellows and Program Visitors

The Thematic Program on Variational Problems in Physics, Economics and Geometry is pleased to welcome the following Postdoctoral Fellows to the Program

Fields Postdoctoral Fellows
Arjun Krishnan (PhD, New York University, 2014)
Jean Louet
(PhD, Universite Paris-Sud, 2014)
Mircea Petrache
(PhD, ETH Zürich, 2013)
Manuel Gnann (PhD, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, 2014)
Jun Kitagawa
(PhD, Princeton University, 2011)
Fedor Soloviev
(PhD, New York University)
Andres Alberto Contreras
(PhD, Indiana University)
Affiliated Postdoctoral Fellows
Cyril Batkam
(Fields Perimeter African PDF)
Ihsan Topaloglu
(Fields-Ontario PDF)

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