March  9, 2025

January-June 2014
Thematic Program on Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Banach and Operator Algebras

Lead Organizers
Anthony To-Ming Lau (Alberta)
Matthias Neufang (Carleton and Lille 1)
Organizing Committee
H. Garth Dales (Lancaster)
George Elliott (Toronto)
Thierry Giordano (Ottawa)
Eberhard Kaniuth (Paderborn)
David Kerr (Texas A&M)
Zhong-Jin Ruan (UIUC)
Andrew Toms (Purdue)
George Willis (Newcastle
, Australia)

Program Outline
The six-month Thematic Program will begin with a month-long Winter School on Basics in Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Banach and Operator Algebras followed by four concentration periods, devoted to one of the Program themes.

Special Lectures

May 27-29, 2014 Coxeter Lecture Series
Sorin Popa (University of California, Los Angeles)
On II_1 factors arising from free groups acting on spaces


Graduate Course

January 6-April 4, 2014
Crossed products of C*-algebras and Banach algebras.

(course videos)
Professor N. Christopher Phillips (Oregon) (Dean's Distingished Visiting Professor)

Theme Concentration Periods
January 6-17: Winter School
Organizer: Zhiguo Hu
Winter School Activities Summary

February 10-20: Group Structure, Group Actions and Ergodic Theory

Organizer: George Willis

Schedule for Mini-courses on Group Structure, Group Actions and Ergodic Theory
I. Week of February 10-14 activities

II. Week of February 18-20 activities

C*-Algebras and Dynamical Systems

Organizer: George Elliott

Elliott Distinguished Visitor Lectures
February 25 - March 27

Speaker: Eberhard Kirchberg

March 20-25 at 2:00 p.m. Mini-session on "Multi-norms"

March 26-28 at 3:30 p.m. von Neumann Lecture Series
Uffe Haagerup, University of Copenhagen
Approximation Properties for Groups and von Neumann Algebras

Banach and Operator Algebras over Groups

Organizer: Garth Dales

March 27-April 4, 2014 Introductory Lectures

April 7-16, 2014 Specialized Lectures

Operator Spaces, Locally Compact Quantum Groups and Amenability

Organizer: Volker Runde

Mini-courses Week of May 12-16

Minicourses Week of May 20-23

Workshop Week of May 26-30

C*-Algebras and Dynamical Systems (continued)

Organizer: George Elliott

Mini-courses Week of June 2-6

Mini-course Week of June 9-13

June 16-20, 2014 Workshop (abstracts)
Organizers: Zhuang Niu and Luis Santiago

Affiliated Activity
June 23-27, 2014, 42nd Canadian Annual Symposium on Operator Algebras and Their Applications (COSy),

Postdoctoral Fellows and Program Visitors

The Thematic Program on Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Banach and Operator Algebras is pleased to welcome the following Postdoctoral Fellows to the Program:
Fields Postdoctoral Fellows
Mahmood Alaghmandan (PhD, Saskatchewan, 2013)
Mahya Ghandehari (PhD, Waterloo, 2010)
Matthew Mazowita (PhD, Alberta, 2013)

Luis Santiago Moreno (PhD, Toronto, 2008)
Karen Strung (PhD, Münster)
Hannes Thiel, (PhD, Copenhagen, 2012)

Fields-Ontario Postdoctoral Fellow
Sutanu Roy (PhD, University of Goettingen, 2013)

Taking the Institute's Courses for Credit
As graduate students at any of the Institute's University Partners, you may discuss the possibility of obtaining a credit for one or more courses in this lecture series with your home university graduate officer and the course instructor. Students wishing credit may need to arrange for additional individual instruction to make up for the extra hours. Assigned reading and related projects may be arranged for the benefit of students requiring these courses for credit.

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