Program on Calabi-Yau Varieties: Arithmetic, Geometry
and Physics
15-19, 2013
2 on Enumerative geometry and CalabiYau varieties
Organizers: Mark Gross, Radu Laza, Jaume Gomis, Shing-Tung
Workshops 2 & 3 will be organized jointly with the
Perimeter Institute.
In order to ease participation in both workshops, they
will be held back-to-back, one at the Fields Institute
and the other at the Perimeter Institute.
October 21-25, 2013 to be held at the Perimeter Institute
3 on Physics around Mirror Symmetry
Principal Organizers: Vincent Bouchard, Jaume Gomis,
Sergei Gukov, Johannes Walcher, Shing-Tung Yau.
Preliminary Schedule as of October 2
October 15
October 16
October 17
October 18
October 19
DLS Reception
Speaker |
Title and Abstract |
Abramovich, Dan
Brown University
Lecture Notes
The decomposition formula for logarithmic Gromov-Witten
This is joint work of Qile Chen, Mark Gross, Bernd
Siebert and me.
A central aim of logarithmic GromovWiten theory is to
find general formulas relating usual GromovWitten invariants
of a smooth variety X with appropriate invariants of simpler
varieties which appear as components of a degeneration of
X. The first step is the decomposition formula, which breaks
apart invariants of the singular fiber in combinatorial terms
determined by tropical curves or graphs. I will describe our
work on the decomposition formula, with examples (at least
one example).
Abouzaid, Mohammed
Columbia University |
Formality of Fukaya categories from disc counts
One of the main problems in computing Fukaya categories
is to understand the underlying A-infinity structure even
for simple and explicitly constructed Lagrangians. I will
explain how one can use counts of holomorphic discs to prove
the formality of certain (subcategories of) Fukaya categories,
focusing on the example of the Milnor surfaces of type A.
This is joint work with I. Smith.
Brav, Chris
Hamiltonian local models for symplectic derived stacks
We show that a derived stack with symplectic form
of negative degree can be locally described in terms of generalised
Darboux coordinates and a Hamiltonian cohomological vector
field. As a consequence we see that the classical moduli stack
of vector bundles on a CalabiYau threefold admits an
atlas consisting of critical loci of regular functions on
smooth varieties. If time permits, we discuss applications
to the categorification of DonaldsonThomas theory.
This is joint work with subsets of Ben-Bassat, Bussi, Dupont,
Joyce, and Szendroi.
Bryan, Jim
University of British Columbia |
${\pi}$-stable pairs and the crepant resolution conjecture
in Donaldson-Thomas theory
We construct curve counting invariants for a CalabiYau
threefold Y equipped with a dominant birational morphism ${\pi:
Y \rightarrow X}$. Our invariants generalize the stable pair
invariants of Pandharipande and Thomas which occur for the
case when ${\pi: Y \rightarrow X}$ is the identity. In the
case where ${\pi: Y \rightarrow X}$ is a semi-small crepant
resolution, we prove a PT/DT - type formula relating the partition
function of our invariants to the Donaldson-Thomas partition
function. In the case where X is the coarse space of a CalabiYau
orbifold, our partition function is equal to the PandharipandeThomas
partition function of the orbifold.
Our methods include defining a new notion of stability for
sheaves which depends on the morphism ${\pi}$. Our notion
generalizes slope stability which is recovered in the case
where ${\pi}$ is the identity on Y .
Chen, Qile
Columbia University |
Very free curves on Fano complete intersection
The theory of stable log maps are developed for
studying the degeneration of GromovWitten invariants.
In this talk, I will introduce another interesting application
of stable log maps to classical birational geometry
we construct very free curves on Fano complete intersections
in projective spaces over an algebraically closed field of
arbitrary characteristics.
This is a joint work with Yi Zhu.
Cooper, Yaim
Harvard University |
The geometry of stable quotient spaces in genus one
Stable quotient spaces provide an alternative to
stable maps for compactifying spaces of maps. In this talk
I will discuss spaces of stable quotients which compactify
the space of degree d maps of genus 1 curves to ${P^n}$. I
will describe what is known about the geometry of these spaces.
I will also discuss the relationship between these spaces
and the corresponding spaces of stable maps from the perspective
of the minimal model program.
Costello, Kevin
Northwestern University |
Quantization of BCOV theory on Calabi-Yau manifolds
Ill discuss some aspects of work in progress with Si
Li on quantization of open and closed BCOV theory on Calabi-Yau manifolds.
This gives a new formulation of the B-model which is local on the Calabi-Yau.
If time permits, Ill discuss some calculations in both the open
and closed versions of this theory.
Diaconescu, Duiliu,
University of Alberta |
Parabolic refined invariants and Macdonald polynomials
A string theoretic derivation is given for the
conjecture of Hausel, Letellier and Rodriguez-Villegas on
the cohomology of character varieties with marked points.
Their formula is identified with a refined BPS expansion in
the stable pair theory of a local root stack. Morever, Haimans
geometric con- styruction for Macdonald polynomials is shown
to emerge naturally in the context of geometric engineering.
Filippini, Sarah
Fields Institute |
Refined curve counting and wall-crossing
The tropical vertex group of Kontsevich and Soibelman
is generated by formal symplecto-morphisms of the 2-dimensional
algebraic torus. It plays a role in many problems in algebraic
geometry and mathematical physics. Based on the tropical vertex
group, Gross, Pandharipande and Siebert introduced an interesting
GromovWitten theory on weighted projective planes which
admits a very special expansion in terms of tropical counts.
I will describe a refinement or q-deformation
of this expansion, motivated by wall-crossing ideas, using
BlockGoettsche invariants. This leads naturally to the
definition of a class of putative q-deformed curve counts.
We prove that this coincides with another natural q-deformation,
provided by a result of Reineke and Weist in the context of
quiver representations, when the latter is well defined.
Joint work with Jacopo Stoppa.
Fukaya, Kenji
Simons Institute |
Perturvation of constant maps, String topology and Perturbative
ChernSimons Theory
In this talk I will explain the way to obtain a
solution of certain master equation onthe cyclic bar complex
of the de-Rhamcohomology. This solution is a constant map
part of Lagrangian Floer theory and is related to the two
stories in the title. Something new in this talk, which I
will explain, is the way how to do it without using pseudoholomorphic
curvein the cotangent bundle. So everything works in the story
of finite dimensional spaces. However virtual technique
is used much.
Gross, Mark
Introduction to Logarithmic GromovWitten invariants
Log GromovWitten invariants are a generalization
of relative GromovWitten invariants.
They can be used to define the notion of curve counts with
specified tangencies along normal crossings divisors, or curve
counts in normal crossings target spaces. I will outline the
basic definitions of these invariants as developed by myself
and Siebert, on the one hand, and Abramovich and Chen, on
the other.
Kontsevich, Maxim
Distinguished Lecture 1, What is tropical mathematics?
In tropical mathematics the usual laws of algebra
are changed, the subtraction is forbidden, the division is
always permitted, and 1+1 is equal to 1. Analogs of usual
geometric shapes like lines, circles etc. are replaced by
new figures composed of pieces of lines. I will try to explain
basics of tropical algebra and geometry, its relation with
more traditional domains, and its role in mirror symmetry
which is a remarkable duality originally discovered in string
theory about 20 years ago.
(II) Quivers, cluster varieties and integrable systems
Ill describe a new approach to cluster varieties
and mutations based on scattering diagrams and wall-crossing
formalism. The central role here is played by certain canonical
transformation (formal change of coordinates) associated with
arbitrary quiver. Also, a complex algebraic integrable system
under some mild conditions produces a quiver, and the associated
canonical transformation is a birational map.
(III) Fukaya category meets Bridgeland stability
Bridgelands notion of stability in triangulated
categories is believed to be a mathematical encoding of D-branes
in string theory. Ill argue (using physics picture)
that partially degenerating categories with stability should
be described as a mixture between symplectic geometry and
pure algebra. Spectral networks of Gaiotto, Moore and Neitzke
appear as an example.
Ruan, Yongbin
Michigan University |
A mathematics theory of gauged linear sigma model
Several years ago, we (Fan, Jarvis and myself)
developed a theory for so called Landau-Ginzburg model. It
has a variety of applications in integrable hierarchy, LG/CY
correspondence and modularity. LG-model is a limit of so called
gauged linear sigma model. In the talk, I will discuss a construction
to generalize our classical theory to the general
situation of gauged linear sigma model. Some potential applications
will be discussed.
Ruddat, Helge
Fields Institute |
Speculations on Mirror Symmetry for Riemann surfaces
There has been quite some evidence that some form
of mirror symmetry is valid for curves of higher genus. In
known constructions, the dual geometry is derived from a higher-dimensional
LandauGinzburg model. We present some ideas of how an
intrinsic form of the mirror construction could be fomulated.
Soibelman, Yan
Kansas State University |
3-dimensional Calabi-Yau manifolds and Hitchin integrable
I am going to discuss the relationship between two
topics mentioned in the title from the point of view of theory
of Donaldson-Thomas invariants and wall-crossing formulas
developed by Kontsevich and myself.
Tseng, Hsian-Hua
Ohio State University |
Mirror theorem, Seidel representation, and holomorphic
The quantum cohomology ring QH*(X) of a projective
toric manifold X can be computed in several ways. A presentation
of QH*(X) can be derived from the toric mirror theorem of
Givental, Lian-Liu-Yau, and Iritani. McDuff-Tolman use d Seidel
representations to derive a presentation of QH*(X). More recently,
Fukaya-Oh-Ohta-Ono showed that QH*(X) is isomorphic to the
Jacobian ring of the Lagrangian Floer superpotential of X,
which is defined in terms of counting of holomorphic disks
in X. The purpose of this talk is to explain the geometric
reason underlying the equivalence of these three seemingly
very different approaches, when X is semi-Fano.
Zinger, Alexsey
Stony Brook |
Mirror Symmetry for Stable Quotients Invariants
I will describe a mirror formula for the direct
analogue of Giventals J-function in the SQ theory. It
is remarkably similar to the mirror formula in the GromovWitten
theory, but the former does not involve a change of variables.
This suggests that the mirror map relating the GW-invariants
to the B-model of the mirror is more reflective of the choice
of curve counting theory on the A side than of mirror symmetry.
The proof of the mirror formula in the Fano case is as in
the GWtheory. On the other hand, the proof in the CalabiYau
case consists of showing that it is a consequence of the Fano
This is joint work with Y. Cooper.
Zaslow, Eric
Northwestern University |
Legendrian knots and constructible sheaves
Given a Legendrian knot, we construct a category,
invariant under Legendrian isotopies up to equivalence. Rank-one
objects of our category play a special role. On the one hand,
they define a subcategory which we conjecture to be equivalent
to the bilinearized Legendrian contact homology of the knot.
On the other hand, the moduli of these objects is an interesting
space which, for positive braid closures, enables one to recover
the KhovanovRozansky categorified invariant of the topological
type of the knot. I will try to explain all this by working
through simple examples.
This work is joint with Vivek Shende and David Treumann
Confirmed Participants to the Workshop as of October 9,
Full Name |
University/Affiliation |
Arrival Date |
Departure Date |
Abouzaid, Mohammed |
Columbia University |
14-Oct-13 |
16-Oct-13 |
Abramovich, Daniel |
Brown University |
14-Oct-13 |
20-Oct-13 |
Amir-Khosravi, Zavosh |
University of Toronto |
01-Jul-13 |
30-Dec-13 |
Bertolini, Marco |
Duke University |
14-Oct-13 |
26-Oct-13 |
Brav, Christopher |
Institute for Advanced Study |
14-Oct-13 |
19-Oct-13 |
Bryan, Jim |
University of British Columbia |
14-Oct-13 |
19-Oct-13 |
Ceballos, Cesar |
York University |
13-Aug-13 |
20-Dec-13 |
Chan, Kwokwai |
The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
13-Oct-13 |
20-Oct-13 |
Chen, Qile |
Columbia University |
14-Oct-13 |
20-Oct-13 |
Cheung, Man-Wai |
UC San Diego |
14-Oct-13 |
20-Oct-13 |
Costello, Kevin J |
Northwestern University |
14-Oct-13 |
16-Oct-13 |
Dedieu, Thomas |
Université Paul Sabatier |
06-Oct-13 |
20-Oct-13 |
Diaconescu, Duiliu-Emanuel |
University of Alberta |
16-Oct-13 |
22-Oct-13 |
Fang, Bohan |
Columbia University |
15-Oct-13 |
19-Oct-13 |
Filippini, Sara Angela |
Fields Institute |
01-Jul-13 |
31-Dec-13 |
Fisher, Jonathan |
University of Toronto |
01-Jul-13 |
31-Dec-13 |
Fukaya, Kenji |
Stony Brook University |
16-Oct-13 |
20-Oct-13 |
Garcia-Raboso, Alberto |
University of Toronto |
01-Aug-13 |
31-Dec-13 |
Gonzalez-Dorrego, Maria R. |
University of Toronto |
16-Sep-13 |
19-Oct-13 |
Gross, Mark |
UC San Diego |
14-Oct-13 |
20-Oct-13 |
Gualtieri, Marco |
University of Toronto |
05-Sep-13 |
05-Dec-13 |
Jinzenji, Masao |
Hokkaido University |
14-Oct-13 |
18-Oct-13 |
Karigiannis, Spiro |
University of Waterloo |
15-Oct-13 |
19-Oct-13 |
Kasa, Michael |
UC San Diego |
14-Oct-13 |
20-Oct-13 |
Kelly, Tyler |
University of Pennsylvania |
15-Oct-13 |
19-Oct-13 |
Lau, Siu-Cheong |
Harvard University |
15-Oct-13 |
19-Oct-13 |
Laza, Radu |
Stony Brook University |
15-Oct-13 |
19-Oct-13 |
Li-Bland, David |
Berkeley |
24-Sep-13 |
16-Oct-13 |
Marcus, Steffen |
University of Utah |
11-Oct-13 |
18-Oct-13 |
Molnar, Alexander |
Queen's University |
01-Jul-13 |
31-Dec-13 |
Moraru, Ruxandra |
University of Waterloo |
15-Oct-13 |
19-Oct-13 |
Movasati, Hossein |
Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada |
15-Oct-13 |
22-Nov-13 |
Odaka, Yuji |
Imperial college (/Kyoto university) |
14-Oct-13 |
18-Oct-13 |
Overholser, Douglas |
University of California, San Diego |
01-Jul-13 |
31-Dec-13 |
Park, B. Doug |
University of Waterloo |
01-Sep-13 |
20-Dec-13 |
Perunicic, Andrija |
Fields Institute |
02-Jul-13 |
31-Dec-13 |
Quigley, Callum |
University of Alberta |
10-Oct-13 |
25-Oct-13 |
Rayan, Steven |
University of Toronto |
15-Jun-13 |
30-Jan-14 |
Rose, Simon |
Fields Institute |
01-Jul-13 |
31-Dec-13 |
Ross, Dustin |
University of Michigan |
14-Oct-13 |
19-Oct-13 |
Ruan, Yongbin |
University of Michigan |
15-Oct-13 |
19-Oct-13 |
Ruddat, Helge |
Universität Mainz |
25-Jun-13 |
31-Dec-13 |
Schaug, Andrew |
University of Michigan |
15-Sep-13 |
20-Oct-13 |
Selmani, Sam |
McGill University |
15-Sep-13 |
20-Nov-13 |
Silversmith, Robert |
University of Michigan |
14-Oct-13 |
20-Oct-13 |
Soibelman, Yan |
Kansas State University |
14-Oct-13 |
26-Oct-13 |
Soloviev, Fedor |
University of Toronto |
01-Jul-13 |
30-Dec-13 |
Thompson, Alan |
Fields Institute |
01-Jul-13 |
30-Dec-13 |
Tseng, Hsian-Hua |
Ohio State University |
14-Oct-13 |
20-Oct-13 |
van Garrel, Michel |
Fields Institute |
01-Jul-13 |
31-Dec-13 |
Yui, Noriko |
Queen's University |
02-Jul-13 |
20-Dec-13 |
Zaslow, Eric |
Northwestern University |
17-Oct-13 |
20-Oct-13 |
Zhang, Zheng |
Stony Brook University |
15-Oct-13 |
19-Oct-13 |
Zhu, Yuecheng |
University of Texas at Austin |
01-Jul-13 |
23-Nov-13 |
Zinger, Aleksey |
Stony Brook University |
17-Oct-13 |
20-Oct-13 |
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