
Conference of the Canadian Number Theory Association
1620, 2014
and the University of Ottawa
advisory committee:
Alaca (Carleton)
Saban Alaca (Carleton, main organizer)
Paul Mezo (Carleton)
Damien Roy (Ottawa)
Sebbar (Ottawa)
Gary Walsh (Ottawa)
Hugh Williams (Calgary/Carleton)
Kenneth Williams (Carleton)
Friedlander (Toronto)
Steve Gonek (Rochester)
Eyal Goren (McGill)
Stephen Kudla (Toronto)
Stewart (Waterloo)
Hugh Williams (Calgary/Carleton)
Kenneth Williams (Carleton)
(on-site June 16)
After April 30, 2014:
Registrants with grants $350, Registrants without
grants $150, Grad students $75, Waived for plenary
April 30, 2014,
Registrants with grants $300, Registrants without
grants $100, Grad students $50, Waived for plenary
Ribenboim Prize in Number Theory
Prize committee: Adrian Iovita (Concordia), Ram Murty (Queens),
Damien Roy (Ottawa)
Florian Herzig from the University of Toronto has been selected
as the recipient of the 2014 Ribenboim
Prize of the Canadian Number Theory Association.
The Ribenboim Prize, named in honour of Paulo Ribenboim, is awarded
for distinguished research in Number Theory by a mathematician who
is Canadian or has close connections to Canadian Mathematics. Previous
winners are: Andrew Granville (1999), Henri Darmon (2002), Michael
Bennett (2004), Vinayak Vatsal (2006), Adrian Iovita (2008), Valentin
Blomer (2010), Dragos Ghioca (2012). The 2014 award will be presented
at the CNTA XIII meeting, to be held from 16 to 20 June 2014 at
Carleton University.
The purpose of the CNTA is to promote research in Number Theory.
It organizes the largest number theory conference in North America.
Participants come from around the world to learn about the latest
developments in number theory. The event encourages both young and
senior researchers to interact and to share their expertise. CNTA
V took place at Carleton University in 1996. CNTA XIII will be held
again at Carleton University with one day at the University of Ottawa.
Conference proceedings
The Fields Institute will publish the CNTA XIII Conference Proceedings,
which will be edited by A. Alaca, S. Alaca and K. S. Williams. Submissions
to the Proceedings should not have been submitted or published elsewhere,
and should be sent electronically (both LaTeX and PDF files) to
Professor A. Alaca at aalaca<at> math.carleton.ca no
later than October 30, 2014. All submissions will be refereed.
List of speakers
The conference will feature 10 plenary lectures, the 2014 Ribenboim
Prize lecture, and a Public Lecture. Plenary lectures are 45 minutes
in length. Each lecture room is equipped with ample blackboards,
a computer and a data project
speakers |
James Arthur (Toronto)
Kathrin Bringmann (Cologne)
Brian Conrey (Bristol)
Caterina Consani (Johns Hopkins)
Shaun Cooper (Massey)
Henri Darmon (McGill)
James Maynard (CRM)
Andrew Sutherland (MIT)
Nicolas Templier (Princeton)
Jacob Tsimerman (Harvard) |
Public Lecturer
June 17, 2014 at 7:30 p.m.
Southham Hall, Carleton University
Jean-Marie de Koninck (Laval)
The Secret Life of Mathematics/La vie secrète
des mathématiques
Invited speakers
Jeff Achter (Colorado)
Mark Bauer (Calgary)
Bruce Berndt (Illinois)
Alina Cojocaru (Illinois)
Karl Dilcher (Dalhousie)
Michael Filaseta (South Carolina)
Leo Goldmakher (Toronto)
Dimitris Koukoulopoulos (Montréal)
Michel Laurent (Luminy, CNRS)
Yu-Ru Liu (Waterloo)
Florian Luca (UNAM)
Chung Pang Mok (McMaster)
Kumar Murty (Toronto)
Carl Pomerance (Dartmouth)
Rachel Pries (Colorado)
Gaël Rémond (Bordeaux)
David Roberts (Minnesota)
David Roe (Calgary)
Michael Rubinstein (Waterloo)
Renate Scheidler (Calgary)
Claus Sorensen (UCSD)
Michel Waldschmidt (UPMC)
Alfred Weiss (Alberta) |
Confirmed Participants as of June 10
*Awaiting confirmation
Full Name |
University/Affiliation |
Achter, Jeff |
Colorado State University |
Akbary, Amir |
University of Lethbridge |
Alaca, Ayse |
Carleton University |
Alaca, Saban |
Carleton University |
Alanazi, Jamilah |
Carleton University |
Algarmol, Afaf |
Carleton University |
Allen, Patrick |
Northwestern University |
Althagafi, Mohammed |
Carleton University |
Altiary, Mada |
Carleton University |
Arthur, James G. |
University of Toronto |
Aryan, Farzad |
University of Lethbridge |
Aygin, Zafer Selcuk |
Carleton University |
Baluyot, Siegfred |
University of Rochester |
Bauer, Mark |
University of Calgary |
Berndt, Bruce* |
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Bettin, Sandro |
Bober, Jonathan |
University of Bristol |
Boyd, David |
University of British Columbia |
Bremner, Andrew |
Arizona State University |
Bringmann, Kathrin |
University of Cologne |
Bruin, Nils |
Simon Fraser University |
Bruni, Carmen |
University of British Columbia |
Candelori, Luca |
McGill University |
Charkani, Mohammed E* |
Faculty of Sciences |
Chatterjee, Tapas |
Queen's University |
Cho, Peter Jaehyun |
SUNY Buffalo |
Chow, Sam |
University of Bristol |
Christie, Aaron |
University of Ottawa |
Cloutier, Maurice-Etienne |
Laval University |
Cojocaru, Alina Carmen |
University of Illinois at Chicago |
Conrey, Brian |
American Institute of Mathematics |
Consani, Caterina |
Johns Hopkins University |
Coons, Michael J. |
University of Newcastle |
Cooper, Shaun |
Massey University |
Darmon, Henri |
McGill University |
De Koninck, Jean-Marie |
Laval University |
Deajim, Abdulaziz |
King Khalid University |
Dias, Dimitri |
Université de Montréal |
Dilcher, Karl |
Dalhousie University |
Dobrowolski, Edward |
University of Northern British Columbia |
Doyle, Greg |
Carleton University |
Drappeau, Sary |
Dunn, Scott |
University of South Carolina |
Dupuy, Taylor |
Ericksen, Larry |
Felix, Adam |
University of Lethbridge |
Filaseta, Michael |
University of South Carolina |
Fiori, Andrew |
Queens University |
Fiorilli, Daniel |
University of Michigan |
Fodden, Brandon |
Carleton University |
Freiberg, Tristan |
University of Missouri |
Gafni, Ayla |
Pennsylvania State University |
Gao, Weidong |
Nankai Universit |
Garcia-Fritz, Natalia |
Queen's University |
Ge, Fan |
University of Rochester |
Goldmakher, Leo |
University of Toronto |
Gonek, Steve |
University of Rochester |
Guo, Zhenyu |
University of Missouri |
Hamieh, Alia |
Queen's University |
Hanson, Brandon |
University of Toronto |
Hao, Hao |
university of washington |
Hare, Kevin |
University of Waterloo |
Henriot, Kevin |
Université de Montréal |
Herzig, Florian |
University of Toronto |
Huang, Jing-Jing |
University of Toronto |
Hulse, Thomas |
Queen's University |
Hussain, Mumtaz |
University of Newcastle |
Jacobson, Michael |
University of Calgary |
Jana, Subhajit* |
University of British Columbia |
Jankauskas, Jonas |
University of Waterloo |
Karaatli, Olcay |
Sakarya University |
Keita, Aminata Dite Tanti |
University of Ottawa |
Kesicioglu, Yavuz |
Faculty of Science and Arts |
Khan, Mizan R. |
Eastern Connecticut State University |
Kim, Hoil |
Kyungpook National University |
Kirila, Scott |
University of Rochester |
Klurman, Oleksiy |
University of Montreal |
Knapp, Michael |
Loyola College |
Kolster, Manfred |
McMaster University |
Koukoulopoulos, Dimitris |
Université de Montréal |
Kumar, Manoj |
University of Lethbridge |
Kuo, Wentang |
University of Waterloo |
Lam, Winnie |
University of Waterloo |
Laurent, Michel |
Institut de Mathematiques de Marseille |
Letendre, Patrick |
Laval University |
Levesque, Claude |
Université Laval |
Lim, Meng Fai |
University of Toronto |
Liu, Yu-Ru |
University of Waterloo |
Logan, Adam |
Long, Misty |
Kansas State University |
Luca, Florian |
Campus Juriquilla |
Lumley, Allysa |
University of Lethbridge |
Lungstrum, Clayton |
University of Rochester |
Martins, Rodrigo |
Carleton University |
Maynard, James |
Universite de Montreal |
McKinnon, David |
University of Waterloo |
McNew, Nathan |
Dartmouth College |
Meisner, Patrick |
Concordia University |
Mezo, Paul |
Carleton University |
Millar, Goldwyn |
Carleton University |
Mok, Chung Pang |
McMaster University |
Morgan, Adam |
University of Bristol |
Morra, Stefano |
University of Toronto |
Murty, Kumar |
University of Toronto |
Murty, Ram |
Queen's University |
Musson, Matthew |
Gouvernement |
Najman, Filip |
University of Zagreb |
Ntienjem, Ebénézer |
Carleton University |
Omar, Ommkaltoum |
Carleton University |
Ouellet, Vincent |
Laval University |
Pacheco, Amilcar |
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro |
Parks, James |
University of Lethbridge |
Pasten, Hector |
Queen's University |
Pazuki, Fabien |
University Bordeaux 1 |
Pigno, Vincent |
Kansas State University |
Pomerance, Carl |
Dartmouth College |
Pries, Rachel |
Colorado State University |
Qureshi, Claudio |
Universidade Estadual de Campinas |
Ray, Prasanta Kumar* |
IIIT Bhubaneswar |
Rémond, Gaël |
CNRS/U. Bordeaux |
Rivard-Cooke, Martin |
University of Ottawa |
Roberts, David |
University of Minnesota, Morris |
Rony, M A* |
B. R. International |
Rosen, Julian |
University of Waterloo |
Roy, Damien |
University of Ottawa |
Rozenhart, Pieter |
Government of Canada |
Rubinstein, Michael |
University of Waterloo |
Saber, Hicham |
University of Ottawa |
Salim, Badidja* |
University of Ouargla.of Algiers |
Saunders, J.C. |
University of Waterloo |
Scarfy, Justin |
The University of British Columbia |
Scheidler, Renate |
University of Calgary |
Schindler, Damaris |
Hausdorff Center for Mathematics |
Sebbar, Abdellah |
University of Ottawa |
Simons, Lloyd |
Saint Michel's College |
Snurnitsyn, Pavel |
Lomonosov Moscow University |
Södergren, Anders |
University of Copenhagen |
Sorensen, Claus |
Soydan, Gokhan |
Uludag University, Department of Mathematics |
Sulisz, Gregory |
Adrian College |
Sutherland, Andrew |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Szalay, Laszlo |
University of West Hungary |
Templier, Nicolas |
Princeton University |
Toll, Charles |
Trudgian, Timothy |
The Australian National University |
Tse, Ling-Sang |
University of Waterloo |
Tsimerman, Jacob |
Harvard University |
Turner, Graeme |
Carleton University |
Vatwani, Akshaa |
Queen's University |
Vincent, Christelle |
Stanford University |
Voutier, Paul |
Waldschmidt, Michel |
Université Paris VI |
Walji, Nahid* |
Centre de recherches mathématiques |
Walls, Patrick |
McMaster University |
Walsh, Gary* |
University of Ottawa |
Wear, Peter |
Weatherby, Chester |
Wilfrid Laurier University |
Weir, Colin |
Simon Fraser University |
Williams, Hugh C. |
University of Calgary |
Williams, Kenneth |
Carleton University |
Wong, Peng-Jie |
Queen's University |
Wooding, Amy |
McGill University |
Wu, Jing |
Queen's University |
Xiao, Stanley |
University of Waterloo |
Yamagishi, Shuntaro |
University of Waterloo |
Yazdani, Soroosh |
University of Lethbridge |
Yoon, Dong Sung |
National Institute for Mathematical Sciences |
Zaman, Asif |
University of Toronto |