March 10, 2025
International Symposium on Mathematical and Computational Biology

Symposium Home page

November 4-8, 2013
Fields Institute, 222 College St. Toronto
Map to Fields
Organizing Committee:
Jianhong Wu (co-chair), Centre for Disease Modelling,York University
Eduardo Massad (co-chair), Faculty of Medicine, University of Sao Paulo
Seyed Moghadas, York University/CDM
Rubem P. Mondaini, President of BIOMAT Consortium, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Dorothy Wallace, Dartmouth College
Leonardo Mondaini, Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro
Sivabal Sivaloganathan, Centre for Mathematical Medicine

Huaiping Zhu, York University

This workshop aims to bring together scientific leaders of mathematical biology to establish a new forum for exchange of knowledge and emerging ideas in the field of theoretical and computational biology with applications from molecular (nano-level) cellular (micro-level) to population (macro-level) phenomena. The workshop will include students (at both undergraduate and graduate levels) and postdoctoral fellows to gain experience in networking activities and develop new avenues for research and collaborations with established scholars in the rapidly evolving field of mathematical and computational biology.

The BIOMAT International Symposium series has been held for the past twelve years for the enhancement of scientific exchange of collaborations among researchers, students and practitioners, who apply mathematical modelling for understanding biological phenomena. This series has provided unique opportunities for the scientific community to present and engage in constructive dialogue within an informal atmosphere of continuous sessions. Keynote speakers with critical expertise are chosen every year to lecture on their contributions to the interdisciplinary fields of Mathematical Biology and Biological Physics in order to motivate young graduate and undergraduate students for active research in these areas, appreciating the value of interdisciplinary collaborations.

Call for Papers - Secretariat of the BIOMAT Consortium
Deadline extensions:
. for abstract submission: July 07, 2013
. for full paper submission: August 04, 2013

On behalf of the Advisory Committee of BIOMAT 2013 International Symposium, we would like to announce that due to many requests of prospective authors from universities and research centres, the deadlines for abstract and full paper submissions have been postponed to June 30 and August 04, respectively. Please find LaTeX and Word templates at

The previous acceptance of abstracts is obligatory for the consideration of submitted full papers by the Referee Board. Accepted full papers will be published as chapters of the book BIOMAT 2013, a volume of the BIOMAT Annual Series of World Scientific Co. And indexed at ISI - Web of Science - conference proceedings citation index. Each chapter has an exclusive DOI Number.

Research Students and young PostDocs are encouraged to apply for a fellowship. These will consist in accommodation in Toronto for 20 persons with breakfast on a double occupancy level to be given in a first come first served basis. However, there will be a strong preference for authors of submitted works. Please send your contributions to .

Please send your contributions to biomatconsortium2013<at> .
Secretariat of the BIOMAT Consortium

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