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March 10, 2025 |
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ThemeThis will be a three day symposium on the analysis of survey data and small area estimation, focusing on the areas of longitudinal data analysis, modeling for efficient small area estimation, missing data analysis, and categorical data analysis along with various application. FormatOn the first day of the symposium, we intend to have a keynote address by Professor Wayne Fuller on recent developments of statistical methods for small area estimation. This will be followed by three invited paper sessions according to the schedule below. There will be three talks in each invited session. The last two days of the symposium will have four invited paper sessions as described below. There will also be a poster session during the symposium. INVITED SPEAKERSWayne Fuller (keynote address), Iowa State University Workshop Schedule
Wednesday May 30, 2012 | |
8:45-9:00 | Opening Remarks Patrick J. Farrell (Carleton University) and Malcom Butler (Carleton University) |
9:00-10:00 | Keynote Address by Professor Wayne
Fuller* Small Area Prediction: Some Comments Chair: Donald Dawson (Carleton University) |
10:00-10:30 | Coffee Break |
10:30-12:00 | Session 1 (3 talks of 30 minutes)
Small Area Estimation 1 Chair: Mohamedou Ould Haye (Carleton University) Robert Fay* (Westat) The Multiple Facets of Small Area Estimation: A Case Study Fritz Scheuren* (Human Rights Data Analysis Group) Indigenous Population: Small Domain Issues M.A. Hidiroglou*, V. Estevao and Y. You (Statistics Canada) Unit Level Small Area Estimation for Business Survey Data |
12:00-13:30 | Lunch |
13:30-15:00 |
Session 2 (3 talks of 30 minutes)
15:00-15:30 | Coffee Break |
15:30-17:00 |
Session 3 (3 talks of 30 minutes) Small Area Estimation 2 |
17:00-18:30 | Reception - MacPhail Room (HP 4351) |
Thursday May 31, 2012 | |
9:00 - 10:30 | Session 4 (3 talks of 30 minutes)
Small Area Estimation 3 Chair: Miklos Csorgo (Carleton University) Danny Pfeffermann* (Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute), Natalie Shlomo (Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute) and Yahia El-Horbaty (Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute) Model Selection and Diagnostics for Model-Based Small Area Estimation Louis-Paul Rivest* (Université Laval) and François Verret (Statistics Canada) Copula-Based Small Area Predictions for Unit Level Models J. Sunil Rao* (University of Miami), Jiming Jiang (University of California - Davis) and Thuan Nguyen (Oregon Health and Science University) Fence Methods for Mixed Model Selection |
10:30-11:00 | Coffee Break |
11:00-12:30 | Session 5 (3 talks of 30 minutes) Missing Data Chair: Gordon Brackstone (Ottawa) Changbao Wu* (University of Waterloo), Jiahua Chen (University of British Columbia) and Jae-Kwang Kim (Iowa State University ) Semiparametric Fractional Imputation for Complex Survey Data Jeroen Pannekoek (Statistics Netherlands), Natalie Shlomo* (Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute) and Ton de Waal (Statistics Netherlands) Calibrated Imputation of Numerical Data under Linear Edit Restrictions Jiming Jiang* (University of California, Davis), Thuan Nguyen (Oregon Health and Science University) and J. Sunil Rao (University of Miami) The EMAF and E-MS Algorithms: Model Selection with Incomplete Data |
12:30-13:45 | Lunch |
13:45-15:30 | Session 6 (3 talks of 30 minutes)
Small Area Estimation 4 Chair: Yogendra Chaubey (Concordia University) Ralf T. Münnich*, Ekkehard W. Sachs and Matthias Wagner (University of Trier) Calibration Benchmarking for Small Area Estimates: An Application to the German Census 2011 Gauri S. Datta* (University of Georgia), W.R. Bell (U.S. Census Bureau) and Malay Ghosh (University of Florida) Benchmarking Small Area Estimators Malay Ghosh* (University of Florida) and Rebecca Steorts (University of Florida) Two-Stage Bayesian Benchmarking as Applied to Small Area Estimation Rebecca Steorts* (University of Florida) and Malay Ghosh (University of Florida) On Estimation of Mean Squared Errors of Benchmarked Empirical Bayes Estimators |
15:30-16:00 | Coffee Break |
16:00-17:30 | Session 7 (3 talks of 30 minutes) Reducing nonsampling errors Chair: Ralph Folsom (Research Triangle Institute) Chris Skinner* (London School of Economics and Political Science), Damiao da Silva (University of Southampton) and Jae-Kwang Kim (Iowa State University) Extending Missing Data Methods to a Measurement Error Setting Jae-Kwang Kim* and Sixia Chen (Iowa State University) Two-Phase Sampling Approach for Propensity Score Estimation in Voluntary Samples Phillip Kott* (Research Triangle Institute) One Step or Two? Calibration Weighting when Sampling from a Complete List Frame |
18:00-20:00 | Banquet at RINAG
88 Jamie Avenue |
Friday June 1, 2012 | |
9:00-10:30 | Session 8 (3 talks of 30 minutes)
Small Area Estimation 5 Chair: Chul Park (Carleton University) Snigdhansu Chatterjee (University of Minnesota) and Partha Lahiri* (University of Maryland, College Park) Parametric Bootstrap Methods in Small Area Estimation Problems Lola Ugarte* (University of Navarre) Deriving Small Area Estimates from the Information Technology Survey Yong You* and Mike Hidiroglou (Statistics Canada) Sampling Variance Smoothing Methods for Small Area Proportions |
10:30-11:00 | Coffee Break |
11:00-12:30 | Session 9 (3 talks of 30 minutes)
Analysis of Survey Data 2 Chair: Jason Nielsen (Carleton University) Graham Kalton* (Westat) Design and Analysis of Venue-Based Samples Mary Thompson* (University of Waterloo) Bootstrap Methods in Complex Surveys Moshe Feder* (University of Southampton) State-Space Modelling of U.K. Labour Force Survey Rolling Quarterly Wave Data |
12:30-14:00 | Lunch |
14:00-15:30 | Session 10 (3 talks of 30 minutes)
Small Area Estimation 6 Chair: Mary March (Ottawa) Esther López-Vizcaíno, María José Lombardía and Domingo Morales* (Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Elche) Small Area Estimation of Labour Force Indicators under Multinomial Mixed Models with Time and Area Effects Mahmoud Torabi* (University of Manitoba) Spatio-temporal Modeling of Small Area Rare Events Susana Rubin-Bleuer*, Wesley Yung* and Sébastien Landry(Statistics Canada) Variance Component Estimation through the Adjusted Maximum Likelihood Method |
15:30-16:00 | Coffee Break |
16:00-17:30 | Session 11 (3 talks of 30 minutes) Design-based Inference Chair: Georgia Roberts (Statistics Canada) A.K.Md. Ehsanes Saleh* (Carleton University) Model Assisted Improved Estimation of Population Totals Shu Jing Gu and N.G.N. Prasad* (University of Alberta) Estimation of Median for Successive Sampling David Haziza* (Université de Montréal), Audrey Béliveau (Simon Fraser University) and Jean-François Beaumont (Statistics Canada) Simplified Variance Estimation in Two-Phase Sampling |
17:30-17:45 | Closing Remarks |
Full Name | University Name |
An, Tony | SAS Institute Inc |
Bartlett, Gillian | McGill University |
Beaumont, Jean-François | Statistics Canada |
Beliveau, Audrey | Simon Fraser University |
Bell, W. R. | U.S. Census Bureau |
Bellhouse, David | University of Western Ontario |
Binder, David | |
Brackstone, Gordon | |
Butler, Malcolm | Carleton University |
Charlebois, Joanne | Carleton University |
Chatrchi, Golshid | Carleton University |
Chatterjee, Snigdhansu | University of Minnesota |
Chaubey, Yogendra | Concordia University |
Chen, Jiahua | University of British Columbia |
Chen, Sixia | Iowa State University |
Choudhry, G. Hussain | |
Chowdhury, Salehin | Carleton University |
da Silva, Damiao | University of Southampton |
Dai, Miao | Carleton University |
Datta, Gauri | University of Georgia |
Dawson, Donald | Carleton University |
de Waal, Ton | Statistics Netherlands |
Dumitrescu, Laura | Carleton University |
El-Horbaty, Yahia | Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute |
Estevao, Victor | Statistics Canada |
Farrell, Patrick | Carleton University |
Fay, Robert | Westat, Inc |
Feder, Moshe | University of Southampton |
Folsom, Ralph | RTI International |
Fuller, Wayne | Iowa State University |
Ghania, Amal | Carleton University |
Ghent, Ian | SAS Institute Inc. |
Ghosh, Malay | University of Florida |
Gravel, Chris | Carleton University |
Gu, Shu Jing | University of Alberta |
Haziza, David | Université de Montréal |
Hidiroglou, Mike | Statistics Canada |
Jiang, Jiming | University of California, Davis |
José Lombardía, María | Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Elche |
Kalton, Graham | Westat |
Kim, Jae-kwang | Iowa State University |
Kott, Phillip | RTI International |
Lahiri, Partha | University of Maryland |
Landry, Sébastien | Statistics Canada |
Li, Yan | University of Texas at Arlington |
López-Vizcaíno, Esther | Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Elche |
Ma, Junheng | National Institute of Statistical Sciences |
MacGibbon, Brenda | Université du Québec à Montréal |
March, Mary | |
Mashreghi, Zeinab | Université de Montréal |
Molina, Isabel | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid |
Morales, Domingo | University Miguel Hernández de Elche |
Münnich, Ralf | University of Trier |
Nandram, Balgobin | Worcester Polytechnic Institute |
Nguyen, Thuan | Oregon Health and Science University |
Nielsen, Jason | Carleton University |
Ould-Haye, Mohamedou | Carleton University |
Pannekoek, Jeroen | Statistics Netherlands |
Park, Chul | Carleton University |
Park, Seunghwan | Iowa State University |
Pfeffermann, Danny | University of Southampton |
Prasad, Narasimha | University of Alberta |
Qian, Wei | Carleton University |
Rao, J. Sunil | University of Miami |
Rao, Jon N.K. | Carleton University |
Rivest, Louis-Paul | Université Laval |
Roberts, Georgia | |
Rubin-Bleuer, Susana | Statistics Canada |
Sachs, Ekkehard W. | University of Trier |
Saleh, A.K.Md. Ehsanes | Carleton University |
Scheuren, Fritz | NORC @ University of Chicago |
Sedransk, Joe | Case Western Reserve University |
Shlomo, Natalie | University of Southampton |
Sinha, Sanjoy | Carleton University |
Sivathayalan, Ahalya | Carleton University |
Skinner, Chris | London School of Economics |
Steorts, Rebecca | University of Florida |
Tabuchi, Tracy | First Nations Statistical Institute |
Thomas, Roland | Carleton University |
Thompson, Mary | University of Waterloo |
Tomberlin, Thomas J. | Carleton University |
Torabi, Mahmoud | University of Manitoba |
Ugarte, María Dolores | Universidad Pública de Navarra |
Vaish, Akhil | RTI International |
Verret, François | Statistics Canada |
Wagner, Matthias | University of Trier |
Wang, Zilin | Wilfrid laurier University |
Winiszewska, Malgorzata | Carleton University |
Wu, Changbao | University of Waterloo |
Ye, Wenzhe | Carleton University |
You, Yong | Statistics Canada |
Yu, Cindy | Iowa State University |
Yung, Wesley | Statistics Canada |
Zhu, Zhengyuan | Iowa State University |