Program on "Towards Mathematical Modeling of Neurological
Disease from Cellular Perspectives"
May 24-25, 2012
Alla Borisyuk,
University of Utah
Analysis of mean-field models
This will be a tutorial style talk on mean-field models and their
variations, with some analysis methods presented, and examples
from different areas of neuroscience
Carmen Canavier, LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans
Implications of Models of Dopamine Neurons at the Cellular Level
for Systems Level Models
Abnormal dopaminergic signaling has been implicated in schizophrenia
. Some salient hypotheses regarding midbrain dopamine neurons
and explored in our cellular models are as follows: 1) In the
absence of afferent input, dopamine neurons exhibit spontaneous
regular pacemaker firing; this background level of tonic firing
ensures that dopaminergic signaling is bidirectional so that both
positive and negative signals regarding the difference between
expected and actual rewards can be transmitted. 2) Dopamine neurons
can fire rapid bursts only in the presence of NMDA synaptic activation.
3) In vivo, a balanced state between excitation and inhibition
enables tonic single spike firing and an imbalance results in
a phasic signal in the form of a burst. 4) The complex contributions
of the intrinsic currents to the neural dynamics allow for rich
modulatory possibilities regarding the propensity of these neurons
to transmit tonic or phasic signals.
Dopamine neurons in vitro go into depolarization block at applied
current levels that are not sufficient to elicit the high frequency
firing observed during bursts. The role of NMDA synaptic activation
in bursting and the mechanism by which the limitation on firing
rate is circumvented has been hotly debated. Also, induction of
depolarization block in dopamine neurons has been correlated with
the efficacy of antipsychotic drugs, and antipsychotics have been
shown to rapidly induce depolarization block in a developmental
rat model of schizophrenia. Applied depolarization does not cause
neurons to enter depolarization block by simply biasing the cell
above the region in which the sodium current activates regeneratively.
Instead, the spike threshold gradually increases after pulse onset
causing the interspike intervals to increase until the final depolarizing
prepotential fails to reach threshold. Our modeling suggests that
only a second slow component of the inactivation of the sodium
channel can drive a pacemaker into depolarization block in this
manner, and only a regenerative inward current like the NMDA current
can circumvent this limitation. Finally, since antipsychotic drugs
in general block the ether-a-gogo-related (ERG) potassium current,
we examine the role of this current in limiting episodes of depolarization
Albert Compte (IDIBAPS Spain)
Serotonin regulates working memory function non-monotonically
in a computational network model: implications for schizophrenia
Independently, both serotonin and working memory (WM) have been
associated with the prefrontal cortex. On the one hand, serotonergic
neurons in the raphe nucleus project directly to prefrontal cortex,
where serotonergic receptors are particularly enriched. On the
other hand, electrophysiological and neuroimaging studies associate
prefrontal cortex activations to successful WM performance. Schizophrenia
provides another link between serotonin and WM: many antipsychotics
target dominantly serotonin receptors, and WM impairment is considered
to be a core deficit in schizophrenia. However, a direct association
between serotonin and WM has proved elusive in psycho-pharmacological
studies. I will present a computational network model for spatial
WM in the prefrontal cortex that reveals a direct relationship
between serotonin and WM. We found that serotonin modulated the
network's WM performance non-monotonously, following an inverted
U-shape. This could partly explain that only weak behavioral effects
of serotonin treatment were found in previous WM studies. Our
simulations showed that WM errors committed with low and high
tonic serotonin were due to different network dynamics instabilities,
suggesting that these two conditions could be distinguished experimentally
based on the response confidence declared in error trials, and
on prefrontal activation contrasts in neuroimaging studies. Finally,
we tested the antipsychotic effects of serotonin receptor manipulations
in network models with synaptic imbalances suggested by the GABAergic
and glutamatergic hypotheses for schizophrenia. We found that
WM deficits were attenuated by acting on serotonergic receptors,
but re-emerged in high dosage treatments. This non-monotonicity
was again resolved in our model by separating WM errors based
on the declared response confidence. Our study underscores the
relevance of identifying different types of error trials in WM
tasks in order to reveal the association between neuromodulatory
systems and WM, and the benefits of serotonergic treatments for
cognitive deficits in schizophrenia.
Bard Ermentrout, University of Pittsburgh
Oscillations, synchrony, and disease: What can computational
models tell us?
In this talk, I will survey several recent resutls related to
the genesis of rhythms in the nervous system, particularly in
the so-called gamma range. I will first describe some mechanisms
and aspects of rhythms which depend on the interactions between
excitatory and inhibitory neurons. Next I will explore what happens
when there are changes in the circuitry and some ways in which
the rhythms can break down. I will connect this breakdown in rhythms
to symptomology in schizophrenia. Finally, if time permits, I
will suggest a new role for oscillations in working memory.
Nancy Kopell, Boston University
Brain rhythms, modulation and schizophrenia
It is well known that there are changes in brain rhythms in those
who have schizophrenia (SZ). However, the mechanistic causes of
those changes and the functional consequences of them are far
less understood. In this talk, I will discuss a few case histories
to emphasize the subtlety of the changes, with potentially very
large functional consequences. These will include effects on network
behavior of changes in NMDA receptor function and change in cholinergic
activation. The examples all concern changes in SZ to the activity
of various classes of interneurons.
Evelyn K. Lambe, University of Toronto
Developmental vulnerabilities in prefrontal attention circuitry:
Relevance for cognitive deficits in schizophrenia
The cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia are disabling and are
not well addressed by current treatments. These symptoms, which
include attention deficits, arise early in the illness and suggest
aberrant maturation of the prefrontal cortex. Recent work shows
that corticothalamic neurons of prefrontal cortex and their cholinergic
inputs are essential for normal attention under demanding conditions.
I will discuss how disruptions during development result in long-lasting
changes both to the structure of these neurons and to the kinetics
of their excitation by acetylcholine. Given the precise timing
and co-ordination of signals required for optimal performance
on attention tasks, the vulnerability of corticothalamic feedback
neurons to aberrant development points to a cellular mechanism
relevant to the cognitive deficits of schizophrenia.
David A. Lewis, University of Pittsburgh
A Neural Substrate for Impaired Cortical Network Oscillations
and Cognitive Dysfunction in Schizophrenia
Deficits in cognitive control, the ability to adjust thoughts
or behaviors in order to achieve goals, are now considered to
be a core feature of schizophrenia and to be the best predictor
of long-term functional outcome. Cognitive control depends on
the coordinated activity of a number of brain regions, including
the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). Subjects with schizophrenia
exhibit altered activation of the DLPFC, and reduced frontal lobe
gamma band (~40 Hz) oscillations, when performing tasks that require
cognitive control. Because gamma oscillations require inhibition
from GABA interneurons, alterations in DLPFC GABA neurotransmission
have been hypothesized to contribute to impaired gamma oscillations
and cognition in schizophrenia. This presentation will review
the convergent lines of evidence that support this hypothesis
and discuss how these findings can be integrated with other observations
of altered excitatory neurotransmission. This integration suggests
a mechanistic model of "re-set" excitatory-inhibitory
balance in the DLPFC that both underlies the impaired gamma oscillations
and accounts for the course of functional disturbances in individuals
with schizophrenia.
John Lisman, Brandeis University
Network Mechanisms and Delta Frequency Oscillations that Underly
the Psychotic Break in Schizophrenia
Delta oscillations in the awake state are elevated in schizophrenia
(SZ) [1, 2]. In contrast to the gamma/beta oscillation abnormalities,
which are a risk factor for the disease (present in unaffected
relatives), the delta abnormality correlates more closely with
the disease itself [3].
The thalamus is involved in delta generation, sensory gating,
and sleep spindles, all of which are abnormal in SZ. Furthermore,
in SZ there is a reduction in thalamic size and an increase in
the volume of the adjacent third ventricle; these correlate with
the delta abnormality and negative symptoms of SZ [4, 5]. Experiments
in rats show that NMDAR antagonist (APV or Ketamine), when applied
only to the thalamus, causes delta in the thalamus and cortex.
Delta occurs because antagonist blocks NR2C channels, which contribute
to resting potential because they have low Mg block and are partially
activated by ambient glutamate. The resulting hyperpolarization
deinactivates T-type Ca channels, which then generate delta.
The development of SZ occurs as a sudden "psychotic break".
The interneuron abnormalities (and resulting gamma/beta abnormalities
[3]) exist before the break and may predispose a loop of brain
structures to go into positive feedback. When this occurs, delta
oscillations and psychosis are generated. It was previously proposed
that this loop involves the excitation of the hippocampal CA1
region (known to be selectively activated in SZ) by the thalamus
(specifically the nucleus reuniens), the excitation of the VTA
by the hippocampus, and the excitation of the thalamus by the
VTA [6]. Further evidence for thalamic excitation of CA1 has recently
been obtained [7]. The psychotic break may occur when stress (which
releases dopamine) pushes the loop above the threshold for positive
feedback. Consistent with a bistable system, patients normalized
by antipsychotic drugs remain normal when taken off the drug,
but have relapses when subsequently stressed.
In SZ, delta oscillations appear to occur in only small subregions
of the thalamus, cortex and hippocampus. How might this cause
"first rank" SZ symptoms, many of which involve agency,
the sense of what actions are one's own? The reuniens carries
"corollary discharge" about action choices from the
medial PFC to the temporal lobe. The block of this information
flow by delta could result in loss of "agency".
1. Itoh, T., et al., LORETA analysis of three-dimensional distribution
of delta band activity in schizophrenia: Relation to negative
symptoms. Neuroscience research, 2011. 70(4): p. 442-8.
2. Schulman, J.J., et al., Imaging of thalamocortical dysrhythmia
in neuropsychiatry. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 2011. 5:
p. 69.
3. Venables, N.C., E.M. Bernat, and S.R. Sponheim, Genetic and
disorder-specific aspects of resting state EEG abnormalities in
schizophrenia. Schizophrenia bulletin, 2009. 35(4): p. 826-39.
4. Sponheim, S.R., et al., Clinical and biological concomitants
of resting state EEG power abnormalities in schizophrenia. Biological
psychiatry, 2000. 48(11): p. 1088-97.
5. Shepherd, A.M., et al., Systematic meta-review and quality
assessment of the structural brain alterations in schizophrenia.
Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews, 2012. 36(4): p. 1342-56.
6. Lisman, J.E., et al., A thalamo-hippocampal-ventral tegmental
area loop may produce the positive feedback that underlies the
psychotic break in schizophrenia. Biological psychiatry, 2010.
68(1): p. 17-24.
7. Zhang, Y., et al., NMDAR antagonist action in thalamus imposes
delta oscillations on the hippocampus. Journal of neurophysiology,
William W Lytton, SUNY Downstate Medical Center
Schizophrenia: a failure of homeostasis?
Mental health reflects homeostatic balances of multiple dynamical
processes at diverse time constants where imbalance will disrupt
emotional or cognitive competence. One of these homeostatic influences
balances the spectral power of oscillations that are thought to
underlie binding: binding of percepts, binding of percept with
memory, and binding of the binder itself (i.e. theta organizing
gamma). Homeostatic failure fits with the hypothesis that schizophrenia
involves a failure of cognitive coordination, manifesting in the
core cognitive deficits of this disease. Failures of neural coordination
would produce these failures of cognitive coordination, as ensembles
either fragment (fragmentation of experience, dissociation, disorganized
thought) or bind too tightly (delusions, autistic thought). We
have utilized moderately detailed models of neocortex (event-driven,
laminar model) and archicortex (CA3, multicompartmental model
with 3 cell types). Both models demonstrate frequency homeostasis,
where alterations in network drive changes the power in characteristic
frequencies without substantially shifting these frequencies.
Given a failure of homeostasis, we hypothesize that secondary
homeostatic mechanisms will tend to overshoot the set point in
both directions, yielding alternation of too much gamma coordination
and too little. We then measured the relation of gamma power with
information transfer. In simulations of ketamine effect on CA3,
high gamma arose from strong excitatory synaptic connections and
resulted in reduced information flow-through with augmented information
provided by the network itself. This would be a gamma rut that
would provide cognitive processing with excessive internal information,
reducing reactivity to the external world. By contrast, reduction
in gamma coordination, associated with increased information flow-through,
would be associated with a disorganization due to external stimuli
being unconnected with prior experience. This might also be associated
with internal stimuli that float free of their efference copy
so as to be falsely attributed to external source (hallucination)
or external control (delusion of control).
Edmund T Rolls, Oxford Centre for Computational Neuroscience, University
of Oxford
Instability in attractor neural network dynamics and schizophrenia
Building on a theory of hippocampal function in episodic memory,
and on a stochastic dynamics approach to integrate-and-fire neuronal
attractor networks that can implement short and long term memory,
implications for understanding the stability of such systems in
schizophrenia are described. A decrease in the NMDA receptor conductances,
consistent with hypofunction of the NMDA receptor system in schizophrenia,
reduces the depth of the attractor basins, decreases the stability
of short term memory states and increases distractibility. The
cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia such as distractibility, working
memory deficits or poor attention could be caused by this instability
of attractor states in prefrontal cortical networks. Lower firing
rates are also produced, and in the orbitofrontal and anterior
cingulate cortex could account for the negative symptoms including
a reduction of emotion. Decreasing the GABA as well as the NMDA
conductances produces not only switches between the attractor
states, but also jumps from spontaneous activity into one of the
attractors. This is related to the positive symptoms of schizophrenia
including delusions, paranoia, and hallucinations, which may arise
because the basins of attraction are shallow and there is instability
in temporal lobe memory networks, leading thoughts to move too
freely round the attractor energy landscape.
Loh,M., Rolls,E.T. and Deco,G. (2007) A dynamical systems hypothesis
of schizophrenia. PLoS Computational Biology 3 (11): e228.
Loh,M., Rolls,E.T. and Deco,G. (2007) Statistical fluctuations
in attractor networks related to schizophrenia. Pharmacopsychiatry
40: S78-84.
Rolls,E.T., Loh,M., Deco,G. and Winterer,G. (2008) Computational
models of schizophrenia and dopamine modulation in the prefrontal
cortex. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 9: 696-709.
Rolls,E.T. and Deco,G. (2010) The Noisy Brain: Stochastic Dynamics
as a Principle of Brain Function. Oxford University Press: Oxford.
Rolls,E.T. and Deco,G. (2011) A computational neuroscience approach
to schizophrenia and its onset.
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 35: 1644-1653.
Rolls,E.T. (2012) Glutamate, obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizophrenia,
and the stability of cortical attractor neuronal networks. Pharmacology,
Biochemistry and Behavior 100: 736-751.