March 10, 2025

Statistics Graduate Student Research Day
Models for Dependent Data
April 19, 2012

Morning, Fields Institute, Rm 230
Afternoon, Bahen Rm 1170

Organizing Committee:
Ramya Thinniyam,Cody Severinski (Co-chairs)
Andriy Derkach, Avideh Sabeti
, Ruslan Salakhutdinov
Chunyi Wang, Ximing Xu, Zhou Zhou
Fees: $45, Students $30 (Fee includes coffee breaks and lunch)
On site April 19
Agenda Abstracts Confirmed Attendees Hotels and Housing


Graduate Statistics Research Day is an annual student initiative supported by the Department of Statistics, University of Toronto and Statistics Graduate Student Union.

This year's theme is Models for Dependent Data. Assumptions that used to be common-place in statistics, such as independence, are becoming less and less common as technology allows for inference in models that better capture dependence in the data. Research Day 2012 will explore some of these models, and how they can be applied to several fields.

Keynote speakers

Michael Jordan, University of California Berkeley
David Dunson, Duke University
Marina Meila, University of Washington

Panelists include the above keynote speakers and Alison Gibbs & Jeffrey Rosenthal, University of Toronto.

Student Speakers:
Andriy Derkach, Department of Statistics
Paul Nguyen, Biostatistics, Dalla Lana School of Public Health
Nitish Srivastava, Department of Computer Science



8:30 a.m. On-site Registration and Morning coffee at the Fields Institute, 222 College Street (map)
9:00 a.m. Welcome Address: Dr. James Stafford (Professor & Statistics Chair), Ramya Thinniyam (Ph.D. Candidate & Co-chair of Research Day),
Cody Severinski
(Ph.D. Candidate & Co-chair of Research Day)
Michael Jordan
(Department of EECS and Statistics, University of California, Berkeley )
At the Interface of Statistics and Computation: A Scalable Bootstrap, Matrix Completion and Stein's Method
10:20 a.m. Andriy Derkach (Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Statistics, University of Toronto)
Robust Association Tests for Rare Genetic Variants (audio)
10:40 a.m. Coffee Break
Marina Meila
(Associate Professor, Department of Statistics, University of Washington)
(Bayesian) Statistics with Rankings (audio) (slides)
12:00 p.m. Nitish Srivastava (M.Sc. Student, Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto)
Multimodal Learning with Deep Belief Nets
12:20 p.m. Lunch (provided) at Fields


Change of Venue
Afternoon talks will be at the Bahen Centre, Room 1170 (directly behind Fields)

1:20 p.m. Paul Nguyen (Postdoctoral Fellow, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto and Cancer Care Ontario)
Mapping Cancer Risk in Southwestern Ontario with Changing Census Boundaries
David Dunson
(Professor, Department of Statistical Science, Duke University)
Nonparametric Bayesian Learning from Big Data
2:40 p.m. Coffee Break
2:55 p.m. Panel Discussion
Drs. Michael Jordon, Marina Meila, David Dunson, Alison Gibbs, Jeffrey Rosenthal
4:00 p.m. Closing Remarks Dr. James Stafford (Professor & Statistics Chair), Ramya Thinniyam (Ph.D. Candidate & Co-chair of Research Day), Cody Severinski (Ph.D. Candidate & Co-chair of Research Day)

List of Attendees
Full Name University Name
Aslemand, Asal University of Toronto
Ba, Lei University of Toronto
Badescu, Andrei University of Toronto
Bonner, Anthony J. University of Toronto
Cai, Eric University of Toronto
Chen, Lichen University of Waterloo
Chen, Yingying University of Waterloo
Chua, Jeroen University of Toronto
Craiu, Radu University of Toronto
Derkach, Andriy University of Toronto
Dunson, David Duke University
Elprince, Noha University of Waterloo
Evans, Mike University of Toronto
Feuerverger, Andrey University of Toronto
Firka, Daniel University of Toronto
Gibbs, Alison University of Toronto
Goldenberg, Anna University of Toronto/SickKids Research Institute
Gray, Derrick University of Toronto
Hoang, Uyen University of Toronto
Jaimungal, Sebastian University of Toronto
Jaitly, Navdeep University of Toronto
Ji, Jia University of Toronto
Jordan, Michael I. University of California, Berkeley
Kenne Pagui, Euloge Clovis University of Padova
Koudstaal, Mark University of Toronto
Lawless, Jerry University of Waterloo
Lei, Edwin University of Toronto
Li, Yujia University of Toronto
Lin, Wei University of Toronto
Lin, X. Sheldon University of Toronto
Meila, Marina University of Washington
Mezlini, Mohamed Aziz University of Toronto
Moshonov, Hadas University of Toronto
Neal, Radford University of Toronto
Nguyen, Paul University of Toronto
Reid, Nancy University of Toronto
Rosenthal, Jeffrey University of Toronto
Sabeti, Avideh University of Toronto
Salakhutdinov, Ruslan University of Toronto
Severinski, Cody University of Toronto
Shestopaloff, Alexander University of Toronto
Srivastava, Nitish University of Toronto
Stafford, James University of Toronto
Tanha, Azadeh University of Toronto
Thinniyam, Ramya University of Toronto
Tilahun, Gelila University of Toronto
Wang, Bo University of Toronto
Wang, Chunyi University of Toronto
Wang, Daoxing University of Waterloo
Wang, Tao McMaster University
Wu, Panpan University of Toronto
Wu, Weichi University of Toronto
Xu, Ximing University of Toronto
Yao, Fang University of Toronto
Zhang, Xueshan University of Waterloo
Zhou, Zhou University of Toronto

