March 10, 2025

August 11-12, 2011
Selected Areas in Cryptography (SAC) Workshop
Ryerson University, Ontario, Canada

Organizers :
Ali Miri, Department of Computer Science, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada
Serge Vaudenay, School of Computer and Communication Sciences, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland



The Selected Areas in Cryptography (SAC) workshop series was initiated in 1994, when the first workshop was held at Queen's University in Kingston. The SAC proceedings are published in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series published by Springer.

SAC 2011 is held in co-operation with the International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR), which is the leading professional organization for cryptographic research.

The SAC workshop has been held annually since 1994 in various Canadian locations, including Calgary, Kingston, Montreal, Ottawa, Sackville, St. John’s, Toronto and Waterloo.

The objective of the workshop is to present cutting edge research in the designated areas of cryptography and to facilitate future research through an informal and friendly workshop setting.

List of Confirmed Participants as of August 8, 2011:

Full Name University/Affiliation
Adams, Carlisle University of Ottawa
Ågren, Martin Lund University
Akishita, Toru Sony Corporation
Annawald, Florian AMK
Bouillaguet, Charles Ecole Normale Supérieure
Brydon, Dale University of Waterloo
Cenk, Murat University of Waterloo
Daemen, Joan STMicroelecronics
De Feo, Luca University of Waterloo
Dunkelman, Orr University of Haifa
Faz-Hernández, Armando Centro de Investigacion y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN
Fuentes-Castañeda, Laura CINVESTAV-IPN
Gama, Nicholas Université de Versailles
Gilbert, Henri ANSSI
Greene, Patricia Department of Defense
Grewal, Gurleen University of Waterloo
Hagemeier, Heike BSI
Hamann, Matthias University of Mannheim
Jacobson, Michael University of Calgary
Jean, Jeremy Ecole Normale Supérieure
Jia, Keting Tsinghua University
Kaminsky, Alan Parallel Crypto LLC
Karakoc, Ferhat UEKAE
Khajuria, Samant Aalborg University - Copenhagen
Knapp, Edward University of Waterloo
Knellwolf, Simon FHNW, Switzerland
Kunihiro, Noboru University of Tokyo
Labrande, Hugo Ecole Normale Supérieure Lyon
Leurent, Gaëtan Uniersity of Luxembourg
Loftus, Jacob University of Bristol
Lu, Jiqiang Ecole Normale Superieure
Mashatan, Atefeh EPFL (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne)
Matsui, Mitsuru Mitsubishi Electric
Menezes, Alfred University of Waterloo
Mennink, Bart KU Leuven
Miller, Kurt U.S. Department of Defense
Muratani, Hirofumi Toshiba Corporation
Naito, Yusuke Mitsubishi Electric
Nègre, Christophe University of Waterloo
Ohkuma, Kenji Information-Technology Promotion Agency, Japan
Plût, Jérôme Université Versailles-Saint-Quentin
Poon, Wilson University of Ottawa
Rijmen, Vincent K.U.Leuven
Rodríguez-Henríquez, Francisco CINVESTAV-IPN
Russell, Duncan U.S. Department of Defense
Saarinen, Markku-Juhani Revere Security
Sasaki, Yu NTT Corporation
Sengupta, Sourav Indian Statistical Institute
Slamanig, Daniel Carinthia University of Applied Sciences
Small, Tara  
Soukharev, Vladimir University of Waterloo
Stinson, Douglas University of Waterloo
Struik, Rene Struik Security Consultancy
Suga, Yuji Internet Initiative Japan Inc.
Tanaka, Satoshi Kyushu University
Tavares, Stafford Queen's University
Thériault, Nicolas Universidad del Bio-Bio
Vaudenay, Serge EPFL
Wei, Ruizhong Lakehead University
Wiener, Michael Irdeto Canada
Yu, Kewei University of Waterloo
Zavattoni, Eric Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Zhu, Bo University of Waterloo