March 10, 2025

August 8-12, 2011
the Fields Institute, 222 College Street, Toronto

Organizing Committee:
Greg Scholes(Chair), Dept. of Chemistry, University of Toronto
Paul Brumer (Program Chair), Dept. of Chemistry, University of Toronto
Man Duen Choi, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Toronto
Daniel James, Dept. of Physics, University of Toronto
Hoi-Kwong Lo, Dept. of Physics and Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Toronto
Kevin Resch, Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo
Harry Ruda
, Dept. of Materials Science and Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Toronto
Anna Ho, Administrative POC
Registration now closed
Fees $300, $150 for students and PDF
Fees waived for invited speakers.
Banquet Tickets $75

Program Bell Lecture by Sandu Popescu
(Video of the talk)
Audio and slides of talks
CQIQC page at Physics Department Accepted Contributed Talks
and Posters
John Stewart Bell Prize for Research in Fundamental Issues in Quantum Mechanics and their Applications


Future developments in the field of Quantum Computing and Quantum control are eagerly anticipated and include the discovery of new algorithms which could efficiently employ quantum computers, especially the relatively small size devices available today and in the near future; the development of improved threshold theorems to determine the requirements for scalable quantum computing; security proofs for a number of the alternate proposals for secure quantum communications; further elucidation of the various measures of entanglement, their relationship, and how they can be efficiently extracted from experimental data; and overall, the continued work on a number of parallel candidate systems for quantum computation, and development of the necessary logic gates and error-correction techniques to bring this theory to practice.

Developments continue to rely upon system coherence and decoherence. As such focus will also be directed towards recent developments in coherence and control in larger molecular systems such a nanostructures and biomolecules.

Outline of the program

The conference will involve a mix of invited and contributed talks, and posters, interspersed with coffee and discussion breaks. There will be invited talks, delivered by acknowledged world leaders of the field and 20-minute contributed talks.

Invited Speakers

Marco Bellini, University of Florence
Charles Bennett
Robin Blume-Kohout,
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Ben Buchler
, The Australian National University
Vladimir Buzek, Slovak Academy of Sciences
Jianshu Cao, MIT
John Howell, University of Rochester
Vladimir Korepin
David Kribs, Guelph University
Gershon Kurizki, Weizmann Institute of Science,
Adrian Lupascu, University of Waterloo
Alexander Lvovsky,
University of Calgary
Tomas Mancal, Charles University in Prague
Alexandra Olaya-Castro, University College London
Sandu Popescu, University of Bristol
Christine Silberhorn
, Universität Paderborn
Shigeki Takeuchi, Hokkaido University
Tzu-Chieh Wei,
University of British Columbia
Junde Wu
, Zhejiang University

Contributed talks and Poster Session

The organizing committee looks forward to receiving abstracts for contributed talks.

There will also be at least one poster session, during which we expect to give an opportunity to more young researchers to present work that did not fit into the main schedule, as well as several sessions devoted to focused discussion on a number of topics raised during the meeting. The meeting will involve researchers at all stages of their careers, including participation by graduate students. The poster boards are 6 feet wide by 3 feet high, and they mount on poles that are 6 feet tall. Posters should be no more than 3 feet wide but can be as high as presenters wish. 33x44 portrait orientation is preferred.

This year the conference will feature the award of the second biannual J. S. Bell Prize for Research in Fundamental Issues in Quantum Mechanics and their Applications. The 2011 Bell Prize is awarded to Sandu Popescu of the University of Bristol.

List of Confirmed Participants

Full Name University/Affiliation
Albert, Victor University of Toronto
Ampadu, Clement  
Arévalo Aguilar, José Luis Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
Bamber, Charles National Research Council
Behan, Connor University of Toronto
Bellini, Marco Istituto Nazionale di Ottica (INO-CNR)
Bennett, Charles H. IBM Research
Blume-Kohout, Robin Los Alamos National Laboratory
Branczyk, Agata University of Toronto
Brumer, Paul University of Toronto
Buchler, Ben The Australian National University
Cao, Jianshu Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Chang, Rockson University of Toronto
Chitambar, Eric University of Toronto
Choi, Man-Duen University of Toronto
Cyrenne, Benoit University of Toronto
Czerwinski, Artur Nicolaus Copernicus University
Darabi, Ardavan University of Toronto
Dmochowski, Greg University of Toronto
Feizpour, Amir University of Toronto
Fung, Chi-Hang Fred University of Hong Kong
Gamel, Omar University of Toronto
Garmon, Savannah University of Toronto
Ghose, Shohini Wilfrid Laurier University
Gottesman, Daniel Perimeter Institute
Grinev, Timur University of Toronto
Hallaji, Matin University of Toronto
Hayat, Alex University of Toronto
Higgins, Brendon University of Waterloo
Ho, Anna University of Toronto
Howell, John University of Rochester
James, Daniel University of Toronto
Kang, Dongpeng University of Toronto
Khan, Yaser University of Toronto
Kolenderski, Piotr Institute for Quantum Computing
Kopp, Eric University of Toronto
Korepin, Vladimir Stony Brook University
Kribs, David University of Guelph
Kurizki, Gershon The Weizmann Institute of Science
Kyriakidis, Jordan Dalhousie University
Li, Chi-Kwong College of William and Mary
Lo, Hoi-Kwong University of Toronto
Lu, Dawei University of Science and Technology of China
Lupascu, Adrian University of Waterloo
Lvovsky, Alexander University of Calgary
Mahler, Dylan University of Toronto
Mancal, Tomas Charles University in Prague
Marvian, Iman IQC-PI
Nazir, Ahsan Imperial College London
Olaya-Castro, Alexandra University College London
Pachon, Leonardo A University of Toronto
Piani, Marco University of Waterloo
Politi, Alberto University of Bristol
Poon, Yiu Iowa State University
Popescu, Sandu University of Bristol
Potnis, Shreyas University of Toronto
Qi, Bing University of Toronto
Quesada, Juan Nicolás University of Toronto
Rapcan, Peter Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences
Ren, Changliang Hiroshima University
Resch, Kevin University of Waterloo
Rong, Yongwu National Science Foundation
Rozema, Lee University of Toronto
Ruda, Harry University of Toronto
Sadeq, Zaheen University of Toronto
Saunders, Dylan Griffith University
Scholak, Torsten University of Toronto
Sergeevich, Alexandr University of Sydney
Silberhorn, Christine Universität Paderborn
Silva, Marcus Raytheon BBN Technologies
Sinclair, Neil University of Calgary
Smyth, Cathal University of Toronto
Sparkes, Ben The Australian National University
Steinberg, Aephraim University of Toronto
Takeuchi, Shigeki Hokkaido University
Tamaki, Kiyoshi NTT Basic Research
Tang, Zhiyuan University of Toronto
Tavakoli Dinani, Hossein Lakehead University
Taylor, Edward McMaster University
Thanopoulos, Ioannis National Hellenic Research Foundation
Turner, Peter University of Tokyo
Virally, Stephane École Polytechnique de Montréal
Weedbrook, Christian University of Toronto
Wei, Tzu-Chieh University of British Columbia
White, Andrew University of Queensland
Wiebe, Nathan University of Waterloo
Wu, Lian-Ao University of Basque Country
Wu, Shengjun University of Science and Technology of China
Xu, Feihu University of Toronto
Yu, Claire University of Toronto
Zhu, Eric University of Toronto
Zhuang, Chao University of Toronto



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