March 10, 2025

May 14, 2010
Math connections
a morning of unusual mathematical connections

at Carleton University

Register on site
no fees

May 14-15, 2010
Discrete Mathematics Days 2010
Carleton University

Brett Stevens,Carleton University
Lucia Moura, University of Ottawa

Registration $25 on site
Fees waived for students, postdocs, high-school teachers and invited speakers


The objective of the meeting is to gather researchers, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students from the Ontario/Quebec area working in various elds of discrete mathematics in order to stimulate research collaboration in this vibrant interdisciplinary area. The meeting takes place on Friday and Saturday to encourage participation of researchers from outside the Ottawa region. The invited speakers are known for their eloquence of presentation and excellence in research. They are chosen carefully to cover a broad range of topics and aspects of discrete mathematics.

The meeting consists of 5-6 invited talks and a session of contributed talks. The length of the meeting is extended to two full days and this year we are proposing to add a new focus for the Friday.

Invited Speakers

Catharine Baker, Mount Allison University
Jason Brown, Dalhousie University
Joseph Cheriyan, University of Waterloo
Gena Hahn, Université de Montréal
Penny Haxell, University of Waterloo
Rick Wilson, California Institute of Technology

Mathematical Connections

This year we are reserving the Friday morning for talks on the theme of "Mathematical Connections". These are talks whose level is suitable for high school students and the interested public which feature interesting or unusual connections of mathematics to other subjects and disciplines. To headline this session we are very pleased to have Jason Brown of Dalhousie University speak on connections between mathematics and music.

Contributed Talk

We will be accepting contributed talks in all areas of discrete mathematics as well as "Mathematical Connections" talks for the friday morning. Talk titles and abstracts can be sent to Brett Stevens brett(at) before 28 April.

Travel Support for postdoctoral fellows and graduate students

We will offer partial support to postdoctoral fellows and graduate students. Applications should be sent to Brett Stevens (brett(at) before 28 April.

Canadian Tulip Festival

Discrete Mathematics Day attendees and family traveling with them may enjoy attending the Canadian Tulip Festival which is running at the same time as the conference and close to Carleton University's campus.

List of Confirmed Participants as of May 11, 2010:

Math Connections

Full Name University/Affiliation
Allany, David Carleton University
Brazeau, Jeremy Tancook Bell School
Danziger, Peter Ryerson University
Dasilva, Ffred Tancook Bell School
Fairweather, Thomas Tancook Bell School
Farhoodi, Ahmad A. Carleton University
Ford, Elyse Tancook Bell School
Gosselin, Shonda University of Winnipeg
Haghighi, Maryam University of Ottawa
Husain, Muhammad Tancook Bell School
Kock, Erik Tancook Bell School
Lawless, Devlin Tancook Bell School
Lee, Vincent Beihang University
Lim, Ky Nepean High School
Lucas, Keeghan Tancook Bell School
Marshall, Haley Tancook Bell School
Mastronardi, Brianna Tancook Bell School
Matos, Eugene Tancook Bell School
O'Hara, Jamie Tancook Bell School
Reil, Aaron Tancook Bell School
Rezaie Adl, Laleh Carleton University
Roberts, Brandon Tancook Bell School
Robertson, Graham Tancook Bell School
Rotondo, Laura Tancook Bell School
Saslove, Lane Tancook Bell School
Stevens, Brett Carleton University
Wilson, Ryan Tancook Bell School
Zhao, Hong  

List of Confirmed Participants as of May 11, 2010
Discrete Mathematics Days

Full Name University/Affiliation
Bailey, Robert University of Regina
Baker, Catharine Mount Alllison University
Barrera-Cruz, Fidel University of Waterloo
Brown, Jason Dalhousie University
Burgess, Andrea Memorial University of Newfoundland
Cheriyan, Joseph University of Waterloo
Chodoriwsky, Jacob University of Ottawa
Farzad, Babak Brock University
Gosselin, Shonda University of Winnipeg
Hahn, Gena Université de Montréal
Hasan, Masud University of Waterloo
Haxell, Penny University of Waterloo
Krikorian, Tamar Ryerson University
Laekhanukit, Bundit University of Waterloo
Lei, Tao York University
Li, Ben University of Manitoba
Mendelsohn, Eric University of Toronto
Moura, Lucia University of Ottawa
Nevena, Francetic University of Toronto
Niesink, Patrick University of Ottawa
Omidi Koma, Behzad Carleton University
Panario, Daniel Carleton University
Pelletier, Emile  
Pytlik, Maureen Carleton University
Raaphorst, Sebastian University of Ottawa
Sakzad, Amin Amirkabir University of Technology
Saleh, Baker Ryerson University
Stevens, Brett Carleton University
Thomson, David Carleton University
Tzanakis, Georgios Carleton University
Walsh, Timothy LaCIM, UQAM
Wilson, Richard California Institute of Technology
Xie, Feng McMaster University
Zhao, Hong  

The Ottawa-Carleton Discrete Mathematics Days are the o spring of Carleton Discrete Mathematics Day, which began in 1978 and have been held continuously since 2002, supported
by the Fields Institute.

Since 2002, the Ottawa -- Carleton Discrete Mathematics Day has been held annually in the spring, alternating its location between Carleton University and the University of Ottawa. The meeting is an offspring of the Carleton Discrete Mathematics Days held in the past at Carleton University. (For more information on recent Discrete Mathematics Days please visit:





