March 10, 2025

May 1-3, 2009
Workshop on Smooth Structures in Logic, Category Theory and Physics
University of Ottawa

P. Scott, R. Blute, P. Hofstra, M. Warren
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Ottawa
online to April 23, on-site May 1
$100 registration fee, $50 postdoctoral researchers,
Waived for students and invited speakers
Workshop Home Page
Participant List
Accommodation in Ottawa


In this 3 day workshop, we will bring experts together to encourage interaction in the study of smooth structures in analysis, physics, and logic. Several of our invited speakers will be asked to give tutorials in order to make the subject accessible to students and other new researchers.

There will be tutorials, invited talks and contributed talks, both from senior professors and from young researchers.
The tutorials (two hours each) will be aimed at graduate students and beginning researchers in the field. Invited talks (one hour each) will address current research. Finally, there will be contributed talks (30 mins each). Applications for contributed talks from students, postdoctoral fellows, women and visible minorities are encouraged.

Invited Speakers:

John Baez (UC Riverside)
Kristine Bauer (Calgary)
Thomas Ehrhard (PPS Paris)
Anders Kock (Aarhus)
Gonzalo Reyes (Montreal)
Andrew Stacey (NTNU Norway)

Particpants List as of April 24, 2009

Fullname University Name
Baez, John University of California, Riverside
Bauer, Kristine University of Calgary
Blute, Richard University of Ottawa
Christensen, Dan University of Western Ontario
Comeau, Marc University of Ottawa
Diepenveen, Emily University of Ottawa
Dragomir, George McMaster University
Ehrhard, Thomas Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7
Flak, Kim University of Ottawa
Gohla, Björn Universidade de Coimbra
Hoffnung, Alexander University of California, Riverside
Hofstra, Pieter University of Ottawa
Iskra, John Emory and Henry College
Jardine, Rick The University of Western Ontario
Johnson, Brenda Union College
Kock, Anders University of Aarhus
Lukács, Gábor University of Manitoba
Niefield, Susan Union College
Pronk, Dorotte Dalhouise University
Scott, Philip University of Ottawa
Seely, R.A.G. McGill University
Stacey, Andrew NTNU
St-Amant, Patrick University of Ottawa
Tasson, Christine Laboratoire PPS - Université Paris Diderot
Waldorf, Konrad University of California, Berkeley
Wares, Trevor University of Ottawa
Warren, Michael University of Ottawa
Wu, Enxin University of Western Ontario
To Be Confirmed
Lumsdaine, Peter Carnegie Mellon University

Application for student travel support, now closed
Deadline to apply was April 1, late applications accepted up to April 7 funds allowing

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