August 4-6, 2008
Workshop on the Effective Use of High Performance Workstations
In Scientific Computing
University of Toronto
Local Organizers
W.H. Enright, C.C. Christara, and K.R. Jackson (University of
Toronto) |
In recent years standard scientific workstations have become faster
and more powerful and they now typically include multiple processors
and high resolution displays. At the same time the use of computer
simulations and mathematical modeling has become an essential component
of research in in high-profile critical areas such as computational
biology, computational medicine and computational finance. The purpose
of this workshop is bring together developers of numerical software
and users in different application areas to explore the challenges
and implications that are involved in developing, implementing and
distributing effective numerical software that is easy to use and
matches the requirements and expectations of the diverse community
of potential users.
CONFIRMED SPEAKERS (and their areas of expertise):
Robert Enenkel, IBM Toronto, (software support for CELL
multicore workstations)
Wayne Enright, University of Toronto
Abba Gumel, University of Manitoba (mathematical biology)
Peter Forsyth, University of Waterloo (computational finance)
Paul Muir, St. Mary's University (user-friendly F90 codes
for ODEs)
Darren Scmidt, National Instruments (numerical software for
simulations on current high performance workstations)
Van Snyder, Jet Propulsion Laboratories, (data analysis software
for large data sets)
Hongmei Zhu, York University (medical imaging)
Monday, August 4
Bahen Centre, 40 St. George Street
Talks will be in BA1200
9:00 |
Coffee and Registration |
9:15 |
Welcome/Ann |
9:30 |
Wayne Enright, University of Toronto
Developing Easy to use ODE
Software: The associated Cost/Reliability Trade offs |
10:30 |
Coffee |
11:00 |
Darren Schmidt, National Instruments
Real-Time Big Physics Applications
In National Instruments LabVIEW |
11:40 |
Abba Gumel, University of Manitoba
Dynamically-consistent Finite-Difference
Methods for Disease Transmission Models |
12:20 |
Lunch |
2:00 |
Darren Schmidt, National Instruments
The Numerical Mathematics
Consortium - Establishing a Verification Framework for Numerical
Algorithm Development |
3:00 |
Van Thinh Nguyen, University of Waterloo
HPC, an effective tool for
three-dimensional simulations of nonlinear internal waves |
3:40 |
Coffee |
4:00 |
David McMillen, University of Toronto Mississauga
Deterministic and stochastic
models in synthetic biology |
Tuesday, August 5
Bahen Centre, 40 St. George Street
Talks will be in BA1220 |
9:00 |
Coffee |
9:30 |
Peter Forsyth, University of Waterloo
A Numerical Scheme for the
Impulse Control Formulation for Pricing Variable Annuities with
a Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefit (GMWB) |
10:30 |
Coffee |
11:00 |
Vladimir Surkov, University of Toronto
Parallel Option Pricing
with Fourier Space Time-stepping Method on Graphics Processing
11:40 |
Hossein ZivariPiran, University of Toronto
The Design and Implementation
of a Modeling Package |
12:20 |
Lunch |
2:00 |
Paul Muir, Saint Mary's University
A User-Friendly Fortran 90/95
Boundary Value ODE Solver |
3:00 |
Duy Minh Dang, University of
Adaptive and high-order methods
for American option pricing |
3:40 |
Coffee |
4:00 |
Van Snyder, Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
California Institute of Technology
Data analysis for the Microwave
Limb Sounder instrument on the EOS Aura Satellite |
5:00 |
Reception |
Wednesday, August 6
Bahen Centre, 40 St. George Street
Talks will be in BA1200 |
9:00 |
Coffee |
9:30 |
Robert F. Enenkel, IBM Canada Ltd.
The Cell BE: architecture/programming,
vector elementary functions, and other numerical software |
10:30 |
Coffee |
11:00 |
Michael McCool, RapidMind/University of Waterloo
Portable Software Development
for Multi-core Processors, Many-core Accelerators, and Heterogeneous
11:40 |
Christopher Kumar Anand, McMaster University
and Optimal Computational Algorithms, Inc.
Case Study: Using Coconut
to Optimise non-Cartesian MRI for the Cell BE |
12:20 |
Lunch |
2:00 |
Hongmei Zhu, York University
Computational challenges in
time-frequency analysis |
3:00 |
Douglas Moseley, Princess Margaret
Modern Radiation Therapy:
Image is Everything |
4:00 |
Coffee |
Participant List
Fullname |
University Name |
Anand, Christopher |
McMaster University |
Boisvert, Ronald |
National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Christara, Christina |
University of Toronto |
Dang, Duy Minh |
University of Toronto |
Douglas, Craig |
University of Wyoming |
Einarsson, Bo |
Linköpings Universitet |
Enright, Wayne |
University of Toronto |
Forsyth, Peter |
University of Waterloo |
Giudice, Janice |
University of Oxford |
Hamilton, Ian |
Wilfrid Laurier University |
Han, Meng |
University of Toronto |
Ilie, Silvana |
University of Toronto |
Jackson, Ken |
University of Toronto |
McMillen, David |
University of Toronto at Mississauga |
Merz, Hugh |
University of Waterloo |
Moseley, Douglas |
Princess Margaret Hospital |
Muir, Paul |
Saint Mary's University |
Nguyen, Van Thinh |
University of Waterloo |
Shimasaki, Masaaki |
Fukui University of Technology |
Snyder, Van |
Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Surkov, Vladimir |
University of Toronto |
Thuné, Michael |
Uppsala University |
Vouk, Mladen |
North Carolina State University |
Walter, Wolfgang |
Techn. Univ. Dresden |
Yee, Tina |
University of Toronto |
Zhu, Hongmei |
York University |
Zivari Piran, Hossein |
University of Toronto |
Participant List for IFIP Business Meeting
Fullname |
University/Affiliation |
Boisvert, Ronald |
National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Douglas, Craig |
University of Wyoming |
Einarsson, Bo |
Linköpings Universitet |
Enright, Wayne |
University of Toronto |
Hopkins, Tim |
University of Kent |
Reid, Ian |
Shimasaki, Masaaki |
Fukui University of Technology |
Snyder, Van |
Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Thuné, Michael |
Uppsala University |
Walter, Wolfgang |
Techn. Univ. Dresden |
Application for support closed July 1
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