March 10, 2025

Fields-MITACS Industrial Problem-Solving Workshop (FMIPW)
August 14-18, 2006

Organizers: Huaxiong Huang, Barbara Keyfitz, Nilima Nigam

Registered particpants as of August 12, 2006

Fullname University Name
Alberti, Lionel Universite de Nice
Arino, Julien University of Manitoba
Aruliah, Dhavide University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Baddour, Natalie University of Ottawa
Bohun, Sean Penn State Mont Alto
Bowman, Christopher National Research Council
Breward, Chris Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford
Buono, Luciano University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Chau, Roger University of Waterloo
Cottrell, David McGill University
Craig, Walter McMaster University
Cumberbatch, Ellis Claremont Graduate University
Ding, Yichuan University of Waterloo
Djoumna, George Universite de Laval
ElSheikh, Ahmed McMaster University
Fan, Guangzhe University of Waterloo
Ghobeity, Amin University of Toronto
Gordon, Richard University of Manitoba
Gregov, Sandra McMaster University
Grodzevich, Oleg University of Waterloo
Gumel, Abba University of Manitoba
Gumel, Abba University of Manitoba
Halevy, Itamar  
Hazaveh, Kamyar University of Toronto
Henda, Redhouane Laurentian University
Huang, Huaxiong York University
Jaimungal, Sebastian University of Toronto
Jiang, Xiamei University of Toronto
Kavazovic, Zanin GIREF - Universite de Laval
Keyfitz, Barbara The Fields Institute
Khan, Kamran University of Toronto
King, Andrew McGill University
Lan, Kunquan Ryerson University
Langridge, Allan University of Toronto
Lewis, Gregory University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Li, Song University of Saskatchewan
Liu, Jian-Guo University of Maryland
Liu, Rongsong York University
Madras, Neal York University
Melnik, Roderick Wilfred Laurier University
Minhas, Ravi University of Toronto
Monifi, Elham University of Waterloo
Nigam, Nilima McGill University
Perez Abarca, Juan Manuel McGill University
Podder, Chandra Nath University of Manitoba
Pourziaei, Bobby York University
Pugh, Mary C. University of Toronto
Raymond, Christopher New Jersey Institute of Technology
Rodrigues, Hildebrando Icmc-Universidade de Sao Paulo
Romanko, Oleksandr McMaster University
Rossi, Louis University of Delaware
Sabbagh, Mohammad S. Isfahan University of Tech.
Salisbury, Thomas The Fields Institute
Seeman, Tamar Bar Ilan University
Sharomi, Oluwaseun University of Manitoba
Shioda, Romy University of Waterloo
Shontz, Suzanne The Pennsylvania State University
Tritchenko, Olga McGill University
Vaidya, Naveen York University
Wang, Steven Xiaogang York University
Warlow, Scott Manulife
Williams, JF Simon Fraser University
Witelski, Thomas P. Duke University
Wu, Jianhong York University
Wylie, Jonathan City University of Hong Kong
Youbissi, Fabien Mesmin Université Laval
Zhu, Jiaping McMaster University
INVITED/Not Confirmed
Milevsky, Moshe Arye IFID Centre
Sivaloganathan, Sivabal University of Waterloo
Hallett, Michael McGill University
Rosen, Dan Fields Institute



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