March 10, 2025

Workshop on Large Deviations and Rare Events in Networks
July 4-5, 2005
University of Ottawa,

Workshop Schedule

Rare Events in Networks: July 4th and 5th

The workshop room is equipped with overhead projectors and computer projectors


July 4th

July 5th

9 am Opening address/Workshop overview  
9:30 Irina Ignatiouk-Robert, l'Université de Cergy-Pontoise:
Large deviations for Markov jump processes with boundaries
Masakiyo Miyazawa, Science University of Tokyo(tentative):
The Matrix Geometric method
10:30 Coffee break Coffee break
11:00 Phil Pollett, University of Queensland:
Ratio limit theorems, quasi stationary distributions, the Yaglom limit
Specialized half hour talks to be determined
12:00 Lunch Lunch
13:30 Robert Foley, Georgia Institute of Technology:
Doob's h-transform technique, Markov Additive processes and rare events in networks
Peter Glynn, Stanford University:
Rare Event Simulation
14:30 Coffee Coffee
1500 Specialized half hour talks to be determined Specialized half hour talks to be determined



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