March 10, 2025

Ottawa-Carleton Discrete Mathematics Day 2005
May 13-14, 2005

University of Ottawa, Ottawa

Sylvia Boyd, Lucia Moura, Mateja Šajna from the University of Ottawa;
Daniel Panario, Brett Stevens, Qiang (Steven) Wang from Carleton University
Since 2002, the Ottawa -- Carleton Discrete Mathematics Day has been held annually in the spring, alternating its location between Carleton University and the University of Ottawa. The meeting is an offspring of the Carleton Discrete Mathematics Days held in the past at Carleton University. (For more information on recent Discrete Mathematics Days please visit,, and

Traditionally, the meeting consists of four one-hour invited talks presented in a single day, a Saturday. In addition, a fifth speaker is invited to give a colloquium talk in the Ottawa -- Carleton Institute of Mathematics and Statistics on the preceding Friday afternoon. The invited speakers, known for their eloquence of presentation and excellence in research, are chosen carefully to cover a broad range of topics and aspects of discrete mathematics. The Friday colloquium talk is addressed to a general audience of mathematicians.

The objective of the meeting is to gather researchers, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students from the Ontario/Quebec area working in various fields of discrete mathematics in order to stimulate research collaboration in this vibrant interdisciplinary area. This year's speakers for the Discrete Mathematics Day lead research in the areas of graph theory, combinatorial structures, combinatorial enumeration, and algorithms. They have been involved in theoretical, applied, and algorithmic aspects of discrete mathematics.

Invited speakers:

Kathie Cameron (Wilfrid Laurier University)
Chris Godsil (University of Waterloo)
Gary L. Mullen (Penn State University)
Alexander Rosa (McMaster University)
Frank Ruskey (University of Victoria)


Friday May 13, 2005

3:00 p.m. Coffee
3:30 Chris Godsil, University of Waterloo
  Type II Matrices
Saturday May 14, 2005
8:30 Registration
(Department Lounge 104)
9:25 Welcome
9:30 Kathleen Cameron, Wilfred Laurier University
  Independent Packings: Algorithms and Min-MaxTheorems
10:30 Coffee Break
(Department Lounge 104)
11:00 Alexander Rosa, McMaster University
Ringel's Conjecture and Graceful Labellings: Forty Years Later
12:00 Lunch Break
(Department Lounge 104)
2:00 Gary Mullen, Penn State
Distribution of Irreducible Polynomials over Finite Fields
3:00 Coffee Break
(Department Lounge 104)
3:30 Frank Ruskey, University of Victoria
Polyominoes, Gray Codes and Venn Diagrams
5:00 Informal Reception
(Department Lounge 104)



$20 for on-line registration fees, and $25 for on-site registration. Students, postdocs, and invited speakers exempt. On-line registration will close a week before the event.

Funded participants

Students and postdocs are encouraged to apply for support. Deadline for applications was April 22.
