March 10, 2025

Set Theory and Analysis Program

Graduate Course Information

Fall Graduate Courses

September 10 -December 17, 2002
Descriptve Set Theory, Borel Relations and Dynamical Systems

Instructor: Howard Becker.

September 9 - December 16, 2002
Partition Theory and Banach Spaces

Instructors: Ilijas Farah and Stevo Todorcevic.

Summer Course - August 19 - 29, 2002

There has been considerable interest in having a series of lectures in August to help those interested prepare for the Fields semester on Set Theory and Analysis this fall. Several students from Canada, Europe, Asia, the USA and both the Far and Near East have indicated that they will participate.

  • Monday, August 19 2:00
    Introduction to the program -- Juris Steprans
  • Tuesday, August 20 2:00
    Introduction to Borel relations -- Ilijas Farah
  • Wednesday, August 21 10:00
    Exercise session -- Ilijas Farah
  • Wednesday, August 21 2:00
    Seminar -- Maxim Burke
  • Thursday, August 22 1:30
    Schonfield absoluteness -- Paul Larson
  • Friday, August 23 1:30
    Silver's Theorem -- Paul Szeptycki
  • Monday, August 26 1:30
    Introduction to Banach spaces and partition relations -- Stevo Todorcevic
  • Tuesday, August 27 1:30
    Ultrafilters -- Juris Steprans
  • Wednesday, August 28 10:00
    Exercise session -- Juris Steprans
  • Wednesday, August 28 1:30
    Seminar -- TBA
  • Thursday, August 29 1:30
    Bases in Banach spaces I-- Paul Szeptycki
  • Friday, August 30 1:30
    Tsirelson space -- Ilijas Farah

The topics covered will be determined, in part, by the background of the participants. The hope is that two weeks of concentrated effort will have everyone on a similar footing for the start of the courses to be offered during the Fields semester.


Those who are interested in this should contact Juris Steprans

Taking the Institute's Courses for Credit

As graduate students at any of the Institute's University Partners, you may discuss the possibility of obtaining a credit for one or more courses in this lecture series with your home university graduate officer and the course instructor. Assigned reading and related projects may be arranged for the benefit of students requiring these courses for credit.

Financial Assistance

As part of the Affiliation agreement with some Canadian Universities, graduate students are eligible to apply for financial assistance to attend graduate courses. Interested graduate students must forward a letter of application with a letter of recommendation from their supervisor.
Two types of support are available:

  • Students outside the greater Toronto area may apply for travel support. Please submit a proposed budget outlining expected costs if public transit is involved, otherwise a mileage rate is used to reimburse travel costs. We recommend that groups coming from one university travel together, or arrange for car pooling (or car rental if applicable).

  • Students outside the commuting distance of Toronto may submit an application for a term fellowship. Support is offered up to $1000 per month. Send an application letter, curriculum vitae and letter of reference from a thesis advisor to the Director, Attn.: Course Registration, The Fields Institute, 222 College Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5T 3J1.

Applications for financial support should be received by the following deadlines: June 1, 2002 for the Fall term, and October 1, 2002 for the Winter term.

For more details on the thematic year, see Program Page