March 10, 2025

Mathematics Outreach Programs
supported by the Fields Institute

February 13, 2011
Royal Canadian Institute, Lecture Series
Dror Bar-Natan, University of Toronto
The Hardest Math I've Ever really Used

March 14, 2011 Nathan and Beatrice Keyfitz Lectures
George Lakoff, Linguistics Dept, University of California Berkeley
The Cognitive and Neural Basis of Mathematics

Undergraduate Network Meetings
2011 January 22, March 5,
2010 September 25, October 23, November 27

May 27, 2011
SNAP Math Fair Conference
Fields Institute


Windows in Elementary Mathematics

Math Performance Festival
for grades 4-6 students and teachers.

Caribou Mathematics Competition @Brock
for grades 3-5 students and teachers.

CEMC Think about Math! Conference
Thursday April 29 - Sunday May 2
Thursday May 27 - Sunday May 30

Math Circles