March  9, 2025

Past Related Activities (Sponsored by Fields)

Past MathEd Forum Meetings


May 1-4, 2014
Canadian Mathematics Education Forum
Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa

Twitter Competition
What would the world be like if the normal curve was not discovered?


May 3, 2013
SNAP Math Fair


26 May 2012, 7-9 pm
Regent Theatre, Oshawa
Joy of X, joined by Bob Hallett of Great Big Sea and Aboriginal Recording Artists Tracy Bone and J.C. Campbell
A Research Performance, based on the work of George Gadanidis (UWO), Marcelo Borba (UNESP, Brazil) and Janette Hughes (UOIT)
Funded by the Fields Institute and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada


May 27
SNAP Math Fair Conference


October 29, 2010
Technology Integration in Teaching Undergraduate Mathematics Students
Centre de recherche mathématique
(Montreal) on October 1, 2010 (in French) and at the Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences (Toronto) on oct 29 (in English).

October 25, 2010
Big Ide
as in Mathematics Symposium


Fri Jun 5 - Tue Jun 9
CMESG Annual Meeting and Pre-Conference Sessions
York University

Dec. 4-6, 2009
Spring Colloquium: Methodological Issues in Mathematics Education Research
Hosted by the Mathematics Education Research Unit and the Pi Lab
Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa

Canada-wide Math Performance Festival for grades 4-6 students and teachers.
Supported by the Fields Institute


Canada-wide Math Performance Festival


November 11, 2007
Mathematics with Eye and Hand.

April 2, 2007
The SNAP Foundation Math Fair


April 7, 2006
The SNAP Foundation Math Fair

May 6-8, 2005
2005 Canadian Mathematics Education Forum

Public Lecture -- Stephen Lewis

June 11-13, 2004
Mathematics of Learning Objects Symposium
Online mathematical investigation as a narrative experience
University of Western Ontario

Feb 27 -Mar 1, 2003
Mathematics Education Forum Online Meeting
Keynote speeches by Dr. Alan Kay and Seymour Papert, February 27 at 7 PM, OISE Auditorium, Toronto.

June 13-15, 2003
Mathematics as Story Symposium
University of Western Ontario
Sponsored by The Fields Institute

July-August 2002
Fathom Summer Workshops


Nov 15 -18, 2001-Toronto
The American Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges 27th Annual Conference, Hosted by OCMA

Nov 15, 2001-- Mathematics On-Line Public Forum
Dr. Jonathan Borwein Collaborative online mathematics: wishing and hoping
and Ann Heide co-author of Active Learning in the Digital Age Classroom

March 1, 2001
Mathematics and Music
James Stewart (Mathematics, University of Toronto)

August 21-22, 2000
Teachers Conference, "Reinventing the Math Teacher"

April 27, 2000
Meeting the demand for qualified teachers of mathematics
Organizers: Math Teacher Task Force

June 3-4, 1999
Technology in Mathematics Education at the Secondary and Tertiary Levels
(Brock University)

May 6 - 8, 1999
26th Annual O.A.M.E. Conference -- Mathematics, New Visions, No Limits
Special session on Deterministic Chaos
William F. Langford, (Fields Institute/University of Toronto)

December 13-15, 1998
Canadian Mathematical Society Winter Meeting
Special sessions on Education II - Teaching Mathematics -
Why We Do what we Do in the Classroom and Mathematics on the Internet

July 16-18, 1998
MAA Mathfest 98, Ryerson Polytechnic University campus
(Plenary Lecture and Panel Session organized by The Fields Institute and CMS)

July 5 - Aug. 9, 1998
Canada/USA Mathcamp
Hosted by the University of Toronto and The Fields Institute

May 20 - 23, 1998
25TH Annual O.A.M.E. Conference, Nipissing University, North Bay

May 21, 1998
OCMA - Fields Lecture by Miklos Csorgo

April 25, 1998
Mathematics Association of America (MAA),
L. Langford

March 5-6, 1998
Visiting High School Lecture Series,
Andre van Schyndel

February 14, 1998
Carelton University Undergraduate Student Conference: Days of Chaos Lectures,
D. Dawson and W. Langford

SIMMER: a Mathematics Club for High School Teachers
January 29, 1998 How to See in More Dimensions, Professor Ragnar Buchweitz
Febuary 26, 1998 Numbers - Finite and Infinite, Professor A.I.F. Urquhart
March 26, 1998 Hands-on Algebraic Topology, Professor Jonathan Scott
April 23, 1998 Statistics and Distributions, Alison Gibbs and Martin Van Driel

July 15-19, 1997
Workshop on Mathematics Education for the 21st Century:A Fields-Nortel Workshop
Whitepaper in pdf format

June 27 - July 2, 1996
Canadian Mathematics Olympiad - Team Training Session
E. Barbeau and R. Nowakowski

February 2 - 4, 1995
Chaotic Dynamics and Fractals for High School Teachers
J. Chadam, W. Langford, W. F. Shadwick

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