March 10, 2025

Past Activities in Commercial Industrial Math
July 2013-June 2014

Seminar Series Workshops, Talks, Programs
2013-14 Fields Seminar Series on Quantitative Finance

2013-14 Fields Industrial Optimization Seminar

Affiliated General Scientific Activities

2013-14 Actuarial Science and Mathematical Finance Group Meetings

Senior Firms Fostered by the Fields Institute

Corporate Affiliate Members of the Fields Institute

QWeMA Group Inc., R2 Financial Technologies Inc.,Sigma Analysis and Management, Synchrony Consulting Services

Employees of our corporate affiliate members receive complimentary waiving of registration fees at Fields events.


November 28, 2013
IFID Conference
-Alternative Annuity Designs

Sept. 23-24, 2013
Industrial-Academic Workshop on Optimization in Finance and Risk Management
Fields Institute, Toronto

September 23, 2013
'How I Became a Quant': A Panel Geared for Students
5:00 pm Registration,
5:15 pm Program Begins
6:30 pm Networking Reception with Recruiters
Panelists: Petter Kolm, NYU
Dan Rosen,R2 Financial Technologies

Aug 12, 2013
BMO Capital Markets
Informations Session on Career Opportunities

Fields Institute, Toronto

Affiliated Scientific Activities

Start-Up Firms Fostered by the Fields Institute

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PRMIA Risk Management Student Case Competition

The PRMIA Risk Management Challenge (PRMC) provides undergraduate and graduate students from multiple disciplines the opportunity to solve realistic business problems with a risk management focus. Ultimately, the PRMC aims to develop and strengthen professional and social relationships across students, faculty, and risk professionals. The competition is open to students in the UK, US, Ireland and Canada.

Registration deadline: December 27, 2013
Competition Web Page:
Competition Information Package:
Regional rounds (London, New York, Chicago, Montreal, Vancouver, Toronto and Ireland): late January 2014
International round: February 28, 2014 (Toronto, Canada)

The competition is open to those at Universities near the host chapter's of London, New York, Chicago, Montreal, Vancouver, Toronto and Ireland. Teams of 3-4 members must register together with the nearest local participating chapter. All team submissions are evaluated on their approach to their cases and, if successful, are chosen to enter the regional and international finals.

Although there are no restrictions to level of coursework required to participate, students are encouraged to have prepared themselves from across any of the following areas of study – finance, economics, mathematics, business or commerce, accounting, marketing, and the like.