Audio and/or slides are available for talks given at the Fields Institute
during the following events in the year July 2008 - June 2009.
For events from September 2012 onwards, plus selected events from
June-August 2012, please see our video archive.
For events from other years, plus those June-August 2012 talks that are only available in audio format, please
consult the audio/slides home page.
Various Dates Throughout the Year
June 2009
May 2009
March 2009
January 2009
November 2008
October 2008
September 2008
August 2008
July 2008
- September 29, 2008: Shou-Wu Zhang, Columbia University:
Periods, Heights, L-values
- September 30, 2008: Shou-Wu Zhang, Columbia University:
Periods, Heights, L-values
- October 1, 2008: Shou-Wu Zhang, Columbia University:
Periods, Heights, L-values
- August 6, 2008: Martin Nowak, Harvard:
Somatic Evolution of Cancer
- August 7, 2008: Martin Nowak, Harvard:
Evolution of Cooperation
- August 8, 2008: Martin Nowak, Harvard:
Prevolutionary Dynamics (the origin of life)
Back to 2008-2009 Event Listing
- May 15, 2009: Alan S. Perelson, Los Alamos National Laboratory:
The Dynamics of Virus Infection and Treatment
- April 17, 2009: Robert M. Miura, New Jersey Institute of Technology:
Migraine with Aura: Treat It with Math
- March 27, 2009: Catherine Beauchemin, Ryerson University:
The contributions of theoretical models in exploring the dynamics of in-host influenza infections
- February 27, 2009: Bill Langford,, University of Guelph:
Models of Cheyne-Stokes Respiration with Cardiovascular Pathologies
- January 30, 2009: Michael Yampolsky, University of Toronto:
Dynamical modeling of human placental vasculature: explaining variability of placental shapes, and metabolic scaling rate
- November 28, 2008: Matthew Scott, University of Waterloo:
Growth laws and mechanisms of global control in bacteria
- October 31, 2008: Dr. Stuart Kauffman, Institute for Biocomplexity and Informatics, University of Calgary:
Are Cells Dynamically Critical?
- July 7, 2008: Graeme Wake, Centre for Mathematics in Industry, Massey University @ Auckland:
Modelling of cancer treatement
- July 9, 2008: Graeme Wake, Centre for Mathematics in Industry, Massey University @ Auckland:
A model for phenotype change in a stochastic framework
Back to 2008-2009 Event Listing
Back to 2008-2009 Event Listing
- November 12, 2008: Yum-Tong Siu, Mathematics Department, Harvard University:
Multiplier Ideal Sheaves --an Interface Between Analysis and Algebraic Geometry
- November 13, 2008: Yum-Tong Siu, Mathematics Department, Harvard University:
Multiplier Ideal Sheaves --an Interface Between Analysis and Algebraic Geometry
- November 14, 2008: Yum-Tong Siu, Mathematics Department, Harvard University:
Multiplier Ideal Sheaves --an Interface Between Analysis and Algebraic Geometry
- May 25, 2009: Jean-Christophe Yoccoz, Collège de France:
Uniformly hyperbolic SL(2,R) cocycles
- May 26, 2009: Jean-Christophe Yoccoz, Collège de France:
Uniformly hyperbolic SL(2,R) cocycles
- May 27, 2009: Jean-Christophe Yoccoz, Collège de France:
Uniformly hyperbolic SL(2,R) cocycles
Back to 2008-2009 Event Listing
Back to 2008-2009 Event Listing
- April 29, 2009: Lane Hughston, Imperial College London:
Information Flows in Financial Markets
- April 29, 2009: Andrew W. Lo, MIT Laboratory for Financial Engineering, MIT Sloan School of Management:
"Kill All The Quants"?: Models vs. Mania In The Current Financial Crisis
- April 1, 2009: Helyette Geman, School of Economics, Mathematics and Statistics, Birkbeck, University of London:
Inventory, Scarcity and Price Volatility in Oil and Natural Gas Markets
- April 1, 2009: Erhan Bayraktar, University of Michigan:
A Unified Framework for Pricing Credit and Equity Derivatives
- February 25, 2009: Michael Pykhtin, Bank of America:
Modeling Credit Exposure for Collateralized Counterparties
- February 25, 2009: Adam Metzler, University of Western Ontario:
A Multiname First Passage Model for Credit Risk
- November 26, 2008: Stathis Tompaidis, IROM Department, and Department of Finance, McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin:
The Impact of Financial Constraints on Individual Asset Allocations: Under-diversification and Asset Selection
- October 29, 2008: Dr. Michael Zerbs, Algorithmics:
Credit Risk Management - The Next Wave
- October 29, 2008: Mark Broadie, Columbia University:
Understanding Index Option Returns
- September 24, 2008: William Morokoff, Standard and Poor's:
Modeling Correlation in Credit Risk Management
Back to 2008-2009 Event Listing
- June 2, 2009: Brian Denton, North Carolina State University:
Optimization of Surgery Delivery Systems
- June 2, 2009: Franklin Dexter, University of Iowa:
Big Open (IE) Problems in Operating Room Management
- April 7, 2009: Dominique Orban, Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal:
The various facets of degeneracy in smooth optimization
- April 7, 2009: Pat Piperni, Bombardier Aerospace:
Preliminary Aero-Structural Optimization of a Business Jet
- March 3, 2009: Matheus Grasselli, McMaster University:
Managerial flexibility in incomplete markets and systems of RBSDEs
- March 3, 2009: Helmut Mausser, Algorithmics Toronto:
Credit Risk Optimization
- February 3, 2009: Andrew Hope, Princess Margaret Hospital Toronto:
Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology: Targeting to Cure
- February 3, 2009: Ross Mitchell, University of Calgary:
Automatic Fusion of 3D Data: An Important Optimization Task in Modern Science
- December 2, 2008: Michel X. Goemans, MIT:
Approximating Submodular Functions Everywhere
- December 2, 2008: Jon Lee, IBM TJ Watson Research Center:
Nonlinear Combinatorial Optimization
- November 4, 2008: Philip E. Gill, University of California, San Diego:
What's new in SQP methods?
- November 4, 2008: Bohdan Kaluzny, Centre for Operational Research & Analysis, Defence Research & Development Canada:
Combinatorial Optimization in Canadian Forces Airlift Modeling
- October 7, 2008: Endre Boros, Rutgers University:
Quadratic binary optimization and its applications
- October 7, 2008: Gabriel Tavares, Fair Isaac Corporation:
Linear Programming Plus Branch-and-cut for Solving Certain Difficult QUBO Problems
Back to 2008-2009 Event Listing
Back to 2008-2009 Event Listing
- Andreas Fischer, Fields Institute:
Definable versions of theorems by Kirszbraum and Helly
- Andrei Gabrielov, Purdue University:
Triangulation of monotone o-minimal families
- Tobias Kaiser, University of Passau:
On the resolution of singularities for power series with perturbation by logarithmic terms
- Krzysztof Kurdyka, Université de Savoie:
On the structure of gradient extremal set of generic function
- Olivier Le Gal, University of Toronto:
O-minimality for solutions of analytic 2-dimensional linear ODEs
- Jean-Marie Lion, Université de Rennes 1:
Pfaffian sets
- David Marin, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona:
Unfolding of resonant saddles and the Dulac time
- Chris Miller, Ohio State University:
Expansions of o-minimal structures by trajectories of definable planar vector fields
- Dmitry Novikov, Weizmann Institute of Science:
Infinitesimal Hilbert 16th problem: recent progress
- Daniel Panazzolo, Universidade de São Paulo:
The group of power and translations and its relation to generalized Witt algebras
- Adam Parusinski, Université d'Angers:
Limits of gradient directions at a singular point
- Christiane Rousseau, Université de Montréal:
Orbital analytic classification of germs of families unfolding a codimension 1 resonant saddle or saddle-node
- Tere Seara, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya:
Resurgence of inner solutions for analytical perturbations of the McMillan map
- Lou van den Dries, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign:
Asymptotic real differential algebra
- Joris van der Hoeven, Université Paris-Sud:
Machine computations with transseries
- Alex Wilkie, University of Manchester:
Some Model Theory for Complex Analytic Functions
- Yosef Yomdin, The Weizmann Institute of Science:
Poincare Inversion, Moment inversion, Compositions, and Signal Processing
Back to 2008-2009 Event Listing
- Adi Akavia, IAS:
Solving Hidden Number Problem with One Bit Oracle and Advice
- Dan Bernstein, University of Illinois at Chicago:
High-speed cryptography
- Peter Birkner, Eindhoven University of Technology:
Edwards Curves and the ECM Factorisation Method
- Reinier Bröker, Microsoft Research:
Constructing cryptographic curves with complex multiplication
- Sanjit Chatterjee, University of Waterloo:
Reusing Static Keys in Key Agreement Protocols
- Felix Fontein, University of Calgary:
A Concise Interpretation of the Infrastructure of a Global Field
- Craig Gentry, IBM:
Fully Homomorphic Encryption Using Ideal Lattices
- Antoine Joux, Université de Versailles:
Looking back at lattice-based cryptanalysis
- Koray Karabina, University of Waterloo:
Factor-4 and 6 compression of cyclotomic subgroups
- Tanja Lange, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven:
Pairings on Edwards curves
- Atefeh Mashatan, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology:
Recent Designs for Message Recognition Protocols
- Nicolas Meloni, University of Waterloo:
Elliptic curve point scalar multiplication combining double bases and Yao's algorithm
- François Morain, École Polytechnique and University of Waterloo:
Advances on the CM method for elliptic curves
- Kenny Paterson, Royal Holloway, University of London:
Non-Interactive Key Distribution and Identity-Based Encryption: A Retrospective Perspective
- Eric Schost, University of Western Ontario:
Fast arithmetics in Artin-Schreier towers over finite fields
- Katherine Stange, Harvard University:
The Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem and Equivalent Hard Problems for Elliptic Divisibility Sequences
- Rainier Steinwandt, Florida Atlantic University:
Speeding up algebraic attacks: Multiple Right Hand Sides in hardware?
- Andrew Sutherland, MIT:
Powered by Volcanoes: Three New Algorithms
- Edlyn Teske, University of Waterloo:
On Pairing-Friendly Elliptic Curves
Back to 2008-2009 Event Listing
Back to 2008-2009 Event Listing
Back to 2008-2009 Event Listing
Back to 2008-2009 Event Listing
- Deirdre Haskell, McMaster University:
Introduction to Model Theory
- Deirdre Haskell, McMaster University:
Introduction to Model Theory
- Deirdre Haskell, McMaster University:
Introduction to Model Theory
- Deirdre Haskell, McMaster University:
Introduction to Model Theory
- Deirdre Haskell, McMaster University:
Introduction to Model Theory
- Krzysztof Kurdyka, Université de Savoie:
Introduction to Real Analytic Geometry
- Krzystof Kurdyka, Université de Savoie:
Introduction to Real Analytic Geometry
- Krzysztof Kurdyka, Université de Savoie:
Introduction to Real Analytic Geometry
- Krzysztof Kurdyka, Université de Savoie:
Real Analytic Geometry
- Krzysztof Kurdyka, Université de Savoie:
Real Analytic Geometry
- Sergei Starchenko, University of Notre Dame:
Introduction to o-minimality
- Sergei Starchenko, University of Notre Dame:
Introduction to o-minimality
- Sergei Starchenko, University of Notre Dame:
Introduction to o-minimality
- Sergei Starchenko, University of Notre Dame:
Introduction to o-minimality
- Sergei Starchenko, University of Notre Dame:
Introduction to o-minimality
- Sergei Yakovenko, The Weizmann Institute of Science:
Analytic Vector Fields: Singularities and Limit Cycles
- Sergei Yakovenko, The Weizmann Institute of Science:
Analytic Vector Fields: Singularities and Limit Cycles
- Sergei Yakovenko, The Weizmann Institute of Science:
Analytic Vector Fields: Singularities and Limit Cycles
- Sergei Yakovenko, The Weizmann Institute of Science:
Analytic Vector Fields: Singularities and Limit Cycles
- Sergei Yakovenko, The Weizmann Institute of Science:
Analytic Vector Fields: Singularities and Limit Cycles
Back to 2008-2009 Event Listing
- Eric Bedford, Indiana University:
Dynamics of polynomial diffeomorphisms
- Henri De Thelin, University Paris 11:
Dynamics of meromorphic maps on compact Kahler manifolds
- Henri De Thelin, University Paris 11:
Dynamics of meromorphic maps (cont'd)
- Henri De Thelin, University Paris 11:
Dynamics of meromorphic maps (cont'd)
- Jeffrey Diller, University of Notre Dame:
Rational surface maps: geometric issues
- Jeffrey Diller, University of Notre Dame:
Rational surface maps: analytic issues
- Mattias Jonsson, University of Michigan:
Surface dynamics and the Riemann-Zariski space
- Mattias Jonsson, University of Michigan:
Superattracting fixed points
- Mattias Jonsson, University of Michigan:
Polynomial dynamics at infinity
- Nessim Sibony, Universite Paris-Sud:
Equidistribution problems in holomorphic dynamics
- Nessim Sibony, Universite Paris-Sud:
Equidistribution (cont'd)
Back to 2008-2009 Event Listing
- Yoshihiro Aihara, Numazu College of Technology:
Deficencies of holomorphic curves for hypersurfaces and linear systems
- Atsushi Atsuji, Keio University:
Diffusions and Nevanlinna theory
- Robert Berman, Université Grenoble I:
From volumes of line bundles to equidistribution
- Tom Bloom, Toronto:
Large Deviations for VanDerMonde determinants
- Frederic Campana, University Nancy 1:
Special Orbifolds and Birational Classification: Hyperbolic and Arithmetic Aspects
- William Cherry, University of North Texas:
Algebraic degeneracy of non-Archimedean analytic maps omitting divisors with sufficiently many components
- Gerd Dethloff, Université de Brest:
A Second Main Theorem for Moving Hypersurface Targets
- Julien Duval, Université Paris-Sud:
On Nevanlinna second main theorem
- Alexandre Eremenko, Purdue University:
Landau’s theorem for holomorphic curves in projective space
- Vincent Guedj, Université Aix-Marseille:
Monge-Ampere equations in big cohomology classes
- Shanyu Ji, University of Houston:
Application of the Moving Frame Theory to Holomorphic Mappings between Balls
- Yu Kawakami, Kyushu University:
Value distribution of the hyperbolic Gauss map
- Steven Lu, Université du Québec à Montréal:
Algebraic hyperbolicity for varieties with maximal albanese dimension
- Michael McQuillan, Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques:
No shame in total failure
- Ngaiming Mok, University of Hong Kong:
Holomorphic isometries with respect to the Bergman metric
- Junjiro Noguchi, Tokyo:
Some Second Main Theorems and applications
- Nessim Sibony, Universite Paris-Sud:
Super-Potentials on Compact Kahler Manifolds and dynamics of Automorphisms
- Yum-Tong Siu, Harvard University:
Hyperbolicity of generic hypersurfaces of high degree
- Yuri Tschinkel, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences:
A Torelli theorem over finite fields
- Hajime Tsuji, Sophia University:
Global generation of the direct images of pluricanonical systems
- Masaki Tsukamoto, Kyoto University:
Deformation of Brody curves and mean dimension
- Julie Wang, Academia Sinica:
An effective Schmidt's subspace theorem for projective varieties over function fields
- Jorg Winkelman, Fakultät Mathematik:
Entire curves in surfaces with large irregularity
- Steve Zelditch, Johns Hopkins:
How probable is a given configuration of zeros?
Back to 2008-2009 Event Listing
- Erhan Bayraktar, University of Michigan:
Proving the Regularity of the Minimal Probability of Ruin via a Game of Stopping and Control
- Sid Browne, Brevan Howard US Asset Management LP:
Active portfolio management: investment goals and portfolio constraints (or how to invest, if you must)
- Steven Haberman, Cass Business School:
The Lee-Carter Mortality Model for Mortality Dynamics: Recent Devlopments
- Sheldon Lin, University of Toronto:
Pricing Perpetual Catastrophe Put Options and Related Issues
- Michael Ludkovski, University of California, Santa Barbara:
Optimal Risk Sharing under Distorted Probabilities
- Manuel Morales, University of Montreal:
On a New Generalization of the Expected Discounted Penalty Function
- Ragnar Norberg, London School of Economics:
Management of Finacial and Demographic Risk in Life Insurance and Pensions
- Annamaria Olivieri, Università degli Studidi Parma:
Developing a Stochastic Mortality Model for Internal Assessments
- Shige Peng, Shandong University:
On Risk Measure via Gaussian Distributions under Model Uncertainty.
- Gordon Willmot, University of Waterloo:
Generalized penalty functions in dependent Sparre Andersen models
Back to 2008-2009 Event Listing
- Amnon Besser, Ben Gurion University:
On the p-adic analogue of hermitian line bundles
- Enrico Bombieri, Institute for Advanced Study:
Roots of polynomial in subgroups of F*p and applications to congruences
- Jean-Benoit Bost, CNRS:
Lefschetz theorems on arithmetic schemes
- José Ignacio Burgos, Barcelona:
The height of toric subvarieties
- Antoine Chambert-Loir, IRMAR / UFR Mathématiques:
Rationality of formal functions on arithmetic surfaces
- Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène, CNRS/Université Paris-Sud:
Integral Brauer-Manin obstruction for homogeneous spaces
- Caterina Consani, Johns Hopkins:
On the notion of geometry over F1
- Pietro Corvaja, Udine:
Integral points, divisibility between values of polynomials and entire curves on surfaces
- Jan-Hendrik Evertse, University of Leiden:
On the Quantitative Subspace Theorem
- Kálmán Gyõry, University of Debrecen:
S-unit equations in number fields: effective results, generalizations, applications, abc conjecture
- Philipp Habegger, ETH Zurich:
Height Upper Bounds on Abelian Varieties and Algebraic Tori
- Noriko Hirata-Kohno, Nihon University:
Unit equations having few solutions
- Minhyong Kim, University College London:
Selmer varieties
- Klaus Künnemann, Universität Regensburg:
Line bundles with connections on projective varieties over function fields and number fields
- Aaron Levin, Scuola Normale Superiore:
Runge’s method and the effective computation of integral points
- Gaël Rémond, Institut Fourier:
Heights of Jacobians and rational points
- Christophe Soulé, IHES:
Linear projections and successive minima
- Lucien Szpiro, CUNY:
Algebraic Dynamics
- Yu Yasufuku, CUNY:
On Vojta’s Conjecture
- Shouwu Zhang, Columbia:
Gross-Schoen cycles, dualising sheaves, and tautological classes
- Paul Vojta, Jean-Benoit Bost, Michael McQuillan, Shouwu Zhang, Henri Gillet:
Panel Discussion
Back to 2008-2009 Event Listing
Back to 2008-2009 Event Listing
- Claude Bardos, University of Paris VI:
Remarks on Navier Stokes and Euler Equation
- Lia Bronsard, McMaster University:
On the mixed state in anisotropic superconductors
- Gui-Qiang Chen, Northwestern University:
Shock Reflection-Diffraction Phenomena, Transonic Flow, and Free Boundary Problems
- Costas Dafermos, Brown University:
Hyperbolic Conservation Laws with Weak Dissipation
- Susan Friedlander, University of Southern California:
Energy Conservation and Onsager's Conjecture for the Euler Equations
- Irene M. Gamba, The University of Texas at Austin:
Sharp estimates for the Boltzmann Equation
- Manoussos Grillakis, The University of Maryland:
Correlation Estimates and Applications to Schroedinger Equations
- Yan Guo, Brown University:
Boltzmann equation in bounded domains
- Tom Hou, California Institute of Technology:
On the stabilizing effect of convection in 3D incompressible flows
- Izabella Laba, The University of British Columbia:
Arithmetic progressions in sets of fractional dimension
- Peter Lax, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University:
Spectral Representation and Translation Representation
- Louis Nirenberg, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University:
Some remarks on nonlinear second order elliptic equations
- Kevin Payne, Universita di Milano:
Weak well-posedness of the Dirichlet problem for equations of mixed elliptic-hyperbolic type
- Sylvia Serfaty, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, NYU and Universite Pierre et Marie Curie:
From the Ginzburg-Landau energy to vortex lattice problems
- Jalal Shatah, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences:
Space Time Resonances
- Gigliola Staffilani, Massachusetts Institute of Technology:
Kato's smoothing effect for solutions to the  capillary water-wave problem
- Walter Strauss, Brown University:
Two Problems: Nonlinear Wave Scattering and Plasma Stability
- S.R.S Varadhan, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences:
Large deviations for Random walks in a Random Environment
- Horng-Tzer Yau, Harvard University:
Lower bounds on the blow-up rate of the axisymmetric Navier-Stokes equations
Back to 2008-2009 Event Listing
Back to 2008-2009 Event Listing
- Yves Boucher, Harvard Medical School:
- Dan Gallahan, National Cancer Institute:
- Robert A. Gatenby, University of Arizona:
- James Glazier:
Selected Talk
- Abhijit Guha, University of Toronto:
- Richard P Hill, University of Toronto:
- Mohammad Kohandel, University of Waterloo:
- Natalia Komarova, University of California:
- Steven McDougall, University of Edinburgh:
- Michael F Milosevic, University of Toronto:
- Sheila K. Singh, McMaster University:
- Dwayne Stupack, University of California:
- Lei Xu, University of Rochester:
Back to 2008-2009 Event Listing
- Amir Asif, York:
Application of Time Reversal Signal Processing in Radiotherapy
- Bernhard Bodmann, Houston:
Machine learning for automated classification in cell microscopy
- Xin Gao, York:
Model Selection and Network Construction For High-Throughout Biological Data
- David Jaffray, Princess Margaret Hospital:
- Corina Drapaca on behalf of Hengguang Li:
Preliminary Results in MRE: a Finite Element Approach
- Eva Lee, Georgia Tech:
Robust Optimization to Accommodate Effects of Systematic Treatment Uncertainties in Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy
- Roderick Melnik, Wilfrid Laurier:
Studying Properties of RNA Nanostructures and Their Potential Applications
- Nataliya Portman, Waterloo:
Estimation of growth parameters of the Drosophila's wing disc development from a sequence of micrographs using the Growth as Random Diffeomorphisms Model
- Abbas Samani, Western Ontario:
Fast Finite Element Technique for Real-time Biomedical Applications
- Colin Studholme, UC San Francisco:
In utero mapping of brain tissue growth patterns from clinical MRI of developing human fetuses: An emerging field of image analysis research
- Eli Van Houten, Canterbury:
Model Based Reconstructive Elasticity Imaging: Finding a Best Fit Between Imaging Goals and Computational Methods
- Yuriy Zinchenko, McMaster:
Multiple gEUD-type constraints for radiotherapy optimization
Back to 2008-2009 Event Listing
- Thomas Barford, Mapleridge Capital:
Problem 5: Mapleridge Capital / Fields-MITACS Problem
- Zongxi Cai, Department of Mechanics, Tianjin University:
Problem 1: Interfacial Behavior in Tunnel Engineering
- Luis Garcia Dominguez, Hospital for Sick Children:
Problem 6: High local synchronization in brain recordings: natural or artifactual?
- Seyed Moghadas, NRC-Institute for Biodiagnostics and the University of Winnipeg:
Problem 2: Optimal Use of Drug Supply during Pandemic Influenza
- Sanjive Qazi, Gustavus Adolphus College:
Problem 4: Discovery and assessment of new target sites for anti-HIV therapies: an approach to utilize genome wide gene expression changes and computational models
- Wil Schilders, NXP Semiconductors Research:
Problem 3: Construct stable, passive and realizable reduced order models for electronic circuits
- Scott Warlow, Manulife:
Problem 7: The Evaluation of Target Date Funds
- Daily Summary:
Problems 1 - 7
- Daily Summary - August 13, 2008:
Problems 1 -7
- Northern Heavy Industries Group Co., Ltd:
Problem 1 Results: Tunnel Boring
- NRC Winnipeg:
Problem 2 Results: NRC Winnipeg
- NXP Semiconductors:
Problem 3 Results: NXP Semiconductors
- Gustavus Adolphus College:
Problem 4 Results: anti-HIV
- Mapleridge Capital:
Problem 5 Results: Mapleridge
- The Hospital for Sick Children:
Problem 6 Results: Hospital for Sick Kids
- Manulife:
Problem 7 Results: Manulife
Back to 2008-2009 Event Listing
- Alejandro Adem, University of Britsh Columbia:
Simplicial Spaces of Homomorphisms
- Chris Brav, Queen's University:
The projective McKay correspondence
- Mike Davis, Ohio State University:
Compactly supported cohomology of buildings
- Fred Cohen, University of Rochester:
On generalized moment-angle complexes, their properties, and applications
- Corrado de Concini, University of Rome:
Vector partition functions and index of transversally elliptic operators
- Igor Dolgachev, University of Michigan:
Moduli spaces of hyperplane arrangements
- Michael Falk, Northern Arizona University:
On vanishing products in Orlik-Solomon algebras
- Eva-Maria Feichtner, University of Bremen:
Arrangements and tropical geometry
- Joel Kamnitzer, University of Toronto:
Braid group actions on derived categories of coherent sheaves with applications to knot homology
- Toshitake Kohno, The University of Tokyo:
Bar complex of Orlik-Solomon algebra and rational universal holonomy maps
- Daniel Matei, IMAR:
Fundamental groups of smooth algebraic varieties
- Richard Randell, University of Iowa:
Homotopy and local system homology for arrangements
- Jan-Erik Roos, Stockholm University:
Complex Hyperplane Arrangements having Unexpected Homological Properties.
- Mario Salvetti, University of Pisa:
A method for local system cohomology of an Hyperplane complement
- Hal Schenck, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign:
"The Orlik-Terao algebra and 2-formality"
- Alexander Suciu, Northeastern University:
Spectral sequences and homology with local coefficients
- Hiroaki Terao, Hokkaido University:
Totally free arrangements of hyperplanes
- A. Varchenko, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill:
Transversality in Schubert calculus and the Gaudin model
- Masahiko Yoshinaga, Kobe University:
Periods and computational complexity of real numbers.
- Thomas Zaslavsky, Binghamton University:
Topological hyperplane arrangements
Back to 2008-2009 Event Listing
- Robyn Araujo, George Mason University:
Combination Therapies: Insights from Mathematical Modeling
- Khalid Boushaba, Iowa State:
Mathematical modeling of angiogenesis in the zebrafish embryo
- Lloyd Demetrius, Harvard:
Cancer in Mice and Men: a comparison
- James Glazier, Indiana:
Simple Modeling of Avascular and Vascular Tumors Using the GGH Model and CompuCell3D
- Richard Hill, Ontario Cancer Institute:
Cancer stem cells in tumours
- David Hodgson, PMH:
Learning from the Fat Man: Modeling Radiation-related Second Cancer Risk for Clinical Use
- Yi Jiang, Los Alamos:
Multiscale modeling for tumor angiogenesis
- Philip Jones, Cambridge Cancer Ctr.:
The self assembling stem cell niche: a new model of epidermal homeostasis
- Rama Khokha, Ontario Cancer Institute:
Functional and Biological Variables in Metastasis
- Mike Milosevic, PMH:
Angiogenesis, Interstitial Fluid Dynamics and Hypoxia in Tumors
- Leonard Sander, Michigan:
Micromechanics of collagen-gels and invasion by glioma cells
- Shiladitya Sengupta, MIT:
Spatiotemporal targeting of tumor parenchyma and stroma by hybrid nanoparticles
- Jack Tuszynski, Cross Cancer Inst:
MD and QMMM modeling successfully predict binding and effectiveness of novel colchicine derivatives against multiple cancer cell lines
- Zhihui Wang, Harvard-MIT,HST:
Multiscale Lung Cancer Modeling
- Glenn F. Webb, Vanderbilt:
Models of Tumor Growth in vitro
Back to 2008-2009 Event Listing